
  • They will claim whitebark pine are not necessary to delist Yellowstone area grizzly bears- They tried to delist the Greater Yellowstone grizzly population back in 2007, but skeptical bear conservationists sued because of the collapse of the thought-to-be-vital whitebark pine in the Greater Yellowstone. Bears feed voraciously on their protein and fat-filled nuts in the fall at…

  • Year isn’t over but griz deaths in Greater Yellowstone only about half of 2012- Earlier we wrote that grizzly bear deaths in the Greater Yellowstone ecosystem (GYE) this year appeared lower than expected.  It was hard to say more at the time because the government was shut down and the official grizzly mortality count was…

  • Apples are natural griz food, though apple orchards are human planted- If you want to attract bears to your property, an effective way is to plant some apple trees. Of course, most plant them to harvest apples for human use. Bears don’t pick the apples neatly. They usually break tree limbs. A 300 pound sow…

  • The solidity of nature, even of creatures competing to eat the raw meat of the dead bison, is edifying. It brings a feeling of hopefulness at a time when humans claw at each other over political abstractions in a confused, but hostile, unnatural way, to detriment of all of us. There is currently a debate…

  • Former Yellowstone superintendent Michael Finley doubts grizzly delisting due to lack of habitat- West Yellowstone, MT.  Last weekend the Greater Yellowstone Coalition celebrated the 30th anniversary of its founding back in 1983. Along with honoring the founders, especially activist Rick Reese, and former Board members, the Coalition (GYC) had a prime time panel consisting of…

  • Island Park, Idaho. A female grizzly bear with two yearling cubs was hot near Island Park, Idaho on September 12. Island Park is a relatively low elevation and primarily flat area (an ancient caldera bottom) just west and southwest of Yellowstone Park. This year there had been two grizzly bear-human injuries in the Island Park…

  • Poor whitebark pine crop but a good berry crop brings bears lower and closer to people- This year as the Yellowstone country grizzly bears enter their time of peak appetite to prepare for hibernation they have a good berry crop to fatten on. However, there is a poor crop of the oil and protein rich…

  • It’s called “hyperphagia” Grizzly bears get a serious case of the “munchies” this time of the year. “Ravenous” is more the word. It is overwhelming and not a matter of personal character, but genetic programming to prepare for the winter hibernation. News media articles, agency warmings, and word of mouth tells people that the bears…

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