Bighorn Sheep

  • Reintroduction a generation ago slowly failed- I haven’t been to these low, but rugged, little known mountains. The bighorn are coming from Oregon rather than the more alpine stock in the Wind River Range of Wyoming. More sheep, more hunting? By Jeff Gearino. Casper Star-Tribune.

  • Pneumonia in important SW Montana herd spreads- FWP biologists, volunteers cull sick bighorns in East Fork of Bitterroot. By Perry Backus. Ravalli Republic. Damn those domestic sheep! – – – – This story earlier on this blog. Bighorn sheep near Darby, MT dying of pneumonia.

  • Two dead bighorns could be a big threat to East Fork Bitterroot Herd- The article says they have no knowledge that these bighorn encountered domestic sheep, but there are “isolated herds in the area.” Dying bighorn sheep. Herd to be culled. By Perry Backus.  Ravalli Republic This is a large and successful bighorn herd.

  • Season established to reduce disturbance of ungulates on their winter range- Antlers and some horns (such as bighorn) are very valuable. There a quite a few “horn hunters” — people who gather them after they have fallen. As a result, there is competition and an incentive to get into the wintering grounds early, often when…

  • After her suspension and all the evidence against her claims from the very laboratory she supervised, this is amazing. New, longer version of the story. Suspended UI prof repeats sheep claims in journal. By John Miller.  Associated Press Writer. – – – – The blog has posted many articles about Bulgin her discredited claims that…

  • Domestic Sheep/bighorn conflict is not limited to Idaho- Most of our news on this issue has been in Idaho where the Payette National Forest is about to come out with an environmental impact statement on how to protect the bighorn. This will have national effects such as described in this story about the two animals…

  • Domestic sheep will not return to allotment in bighorn sheep habitat. The Partridge Creek allotment in the Salmon River Canyon near Riggins is closed to domestic sheep grazing after Western Watersheds Project, The Wilderness Society, and Hells Canyon Preservation Council filed suit in Federal Court. This is a huge victory for bighorn sheep which have…

  • Ruling protects bighorn sheep in the Salmon River Canyon. The BLM Partridge Creek Allotment has been closed to sheep grazing to protect bighorn sheep from domestic sheep disease. This is a big victory for bighorn sheep in the Salmon River Canyon. These sheep are native sheep and have seen drastic declines over the years due…

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