Bighorn Sheep

  • Domestic sheep DO transmit deadly disease to bighorn sheep. This weekend has turned out to be an interesting one in the world of the domestic sheep/bighorn sheep controversy. Rocky Barker reported on his blog that he had the infamous “study” that Marie Bulgin “missed” but it’s not the one at issue in the big story…

  • Conflict of interest results in suppressed study ? Note: a more robust story than initially has been linked to below Marie Bulgin is Coordinator of the University of Idaho’s Caine Veterinary Teaching and Research Center, a prominent research facility that has investigated potential links between domestic sheep disease and bighorn die-offs. At the same time…

  • One, possibly more, bighorn sheep to be killed. Update 5/31/09: It gets worse. Sick, wandering bighorn trailed near Salmon River. Idaho Statesman. A bighorn sheep ram has interacted with domestic sheep on private property upriver from Riggins, Idaho and is reported to be sick. It is now associated with several other bighorn sheep. IDFG officials…

  • New state law on bighorn undermines the working group process, tribe says- This is good news about the sorry situation. Everyone should quit this group set up to make it appear that the Otter Administration gives a damn about bighorn. Bad news! And on top of this a bighorn mixed with domestic sheep (on private…

  • Deer and bighorn are down too. Pronghorn and elk doing well- Recently we ran the story how well Wyoming’s supposedly beleaguered elk population was doing. Every herd in the state was above Fish and Game objectives. It’s a different story for moose, which are only at 44% of objective. We ran a story how the…

  • Collaborative effort to save public lands domestic sheep grazing suspended in favor of a more closed process mandated by the Legislature and the Governor. The Governor, Legislators, and sheepmen apparently didn’t like the direction the Bighorn Sheep/Domestic Sheep Advisory Group was headed so the whole effort was scuttled…… for now. Many of the groups participating…

  • S1232 was signed into law yesterday by Governor Otter. The law mandates the Idaho Fish and Game Department to “cooperatively develop best management practices with the permittee(s) on the allotment(s)”. To many this is a non-starter and does not address the fundamental problems with grazing domestic sheep in proximity to bighorn sheep. S1232a – F&G,…

  • Now it’s up to the Governor. This bill is not just going to affect bighorn sheep in Hell’s Canyon, it affects bighorn sheep throughout the state. It is political game management which can be changed at the whim of livestock industry pressure. It does not address important issues regarding disease transmission and basically writes off…

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