Bighorn Sheep

  • Pete Zimowsky, of the Idaho Statesman, speaks out against the anti-bighorn sheep bills. “In my 40 or so years of hunting and fishing in the West and covering wildlife issues, I have never seen such anti-wildlife bills. I think hunters, wildlife photographers, jet-boat and rafting outfitters and conservationists should be outraged by these bills and…

  • Meeting to decide the fate of bighorn sheep on public lands. There will be a meeting in Boise on Thursday to discuss formation of a policy which will more likely try to save sheep operators rather than the remaining bighorn sheep in Idaho. The interim policy calls for killing bighorn sheep that come into direct…

  • Idaho state senator Monty J. Pearce, a rancher from New Plymouth, has introduced legislation that would effectively prevent transplant and relocation of bighorn sheep into the state of Idaho.  The legislation also instructs state managers to “relocate or control” bighorns that come into proximity of “any private, state or federal lands that have any domestic…

  • Your Comments Are Needed by March 3, 2009! Wild bighorn sheep are native to North America, and once numbered in the millions. But their numbers have drastically declined to just a few thousand. The biggest threat wild bighorns face is disease from domestic sheep. Most experts agree that when wild and domestic sheep come into…

  • Weiser sheep rancher tells Idaho lawmakers Forest Service threatens his livelihood Brian Murphy – Idaho Statesman Sheepherder Ron Shirts has appealed to the Idaho Senate to intervene and give him special consideration above the interests of the public, wildlife, and the Nez Perce Tribe. Shirts complains that his livelihood is threatened because the Payette National…

  • I think moose have been the biggest success story in Utah- This video is a 5-minute overview of big game transplants in Utah from the Salt Lake Tribune.

  • Mark Rey recently issued a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) requiring the Forest Service to test bighorn sheep for disease before the federal government allows states to transplant wild sheep on Forest lands.  As one might guess, this move chafes at state wildlife managers’ long-held claim to exclusive management of wildlife. It’s angering bighorn advocates & environmentalists…

  • Mark Rey orders APHIS testing of bighorn sheep reintroductions- This is a slap at Western Watersheds Project for shutting down disease spreading domestic sheep operations in bighorn territory of Idaho. It is also another attempt to try to subordinate Forest Service authority over wildlife to APHIS, the livestock friendly agency that should concentrate on foreign…

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