Bighorn Sheep

  • This has been in the news the last two days. I didn’t put the story up early because I knew Brian Ertz was right there when this alleged incident took place, and had all the details. He told me about it the day after the wolf meeting. At the time, I thought “end of story”…

  • Here is another story on effort by the woolgrowers to take over and divert bighorn sheep management in Idaho. It is on the front page of the Magic Valley Times News today. I’d judge the article to be just fair in its accuracy. Battle over bighorns. State seeks solutions to domestic vs. wild sheep conflict.…

  • The entire herd in the Elkhorn Mountains near Helena might die. Once again the suspect is domestic sheep (this is according to the article below). Pneumonia strikes bighorn sheep. By Eve Byron. Helena Independent Record.

  • Battle over Bighorn: Opposing views on disease and economics. This is part II. By Sven Berg. South Idaho Press – – – – – – I posted part I earlier. Here is it again. Battle over Bighorn, part I. – – – – – – There is more on this on the Western Watersheds Project…

  • Battle over Bighorn. By Sven Berg. South Idaho Press. The first in a 2 part series. These bighorn issue should be noted by all those who write about predators and hunting because it shows the ranchers are not just anti-wolf, but against any wildlife they think hurts their bottom line. I recall an old bumper…

  • This is from the Jackson Hole News and Guide. It’s about how 100 bighorn sheep struggle to survive in the heights of the Tetons. It is a marginal existence, but the destruction of the bighorns of the Snake River Range and other mountain chains to the south and southeast, which would provide better habitat is…

  • Idaho Senate Resources & Environment committee meeting by BE. Perhaps just my feeling, but this tells us so much about the players and their priorities.

  • As if to underscore Jan. 15 concern of the members of the US House Natural Resources Committee members, Idaho’s State Senate Resources and Environment Committee had a hearing today with the Idaho Fish and Game Commissioners into a variety of wildlife unfriendly subjects such as wolves, bighorn sheep and sage grouse — those species Idaho’s…

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