“On bigotry and bison management at Yellowstone National Park”- It think this is a fine opinion piece in New West. Is Gardiner, Montana, the Selma, Alabama, of Wildlife Conservation? By Michael Leach, Guest Writer. I kind of feel the same way as Leach. – – – – Note that Leach, who used to work for…
Government slaughter could irreparably harm bison species. Recently I referenced unpublished data indicating that bison suffer from compromised mitochondrial DNA which could be exacerbated by government slaughter without any examination as to how it will affect the already genetically compromised herd. That information has now been released. Historically, bison have gone through what is known…
George Wuerthner gives us the facts on the brucellosis fraud- Bison Slaughter A Smoke Screen for Livestock Industry. “The on-going slaughter of Yellowstone National Park bison is justified on the basis of disease control—namely trying to prevent transmission of brucellosis from bison to cattle. While the potential economic impact brucellosis is real, the likelihood is…
Conservationists Seek Emergency Injunction To Prevent Slaughter of Yellowstone Bison Harsh Winter Conditions May Lead to Repeat of 2008 Slaughter Contacts: Tom Woodbury, Western Watersheds Project: (406) 830-3099 Dan Brister, Buffalo Field Campaign: (406) 726-5555 Mike Mease, Buffalo Field Campaign: (406) 646-0071 Glenn Hockett, Gallatin Wildlife Association: (406) 581-6352 HELENA, MONTANA – A coalition of…
Those that test positive for brucellosis exposure to be slaughtered The slaughter of bison in Yellowstone has begun in earnest. Today Buffalo Field Campaign volunteers witnessed the capture of at least 300 buffalo in the Stephens Creek capture facility. It appears that 13 of the bison captured were from the group of 25 allowed to…
Good news is hard to come by in this issue. Here is today’s Buffalo Field Campaign weekly update. Buffalo Field Campaign is the only group working in the field and in the policy arena to protect America’s last wild buffalo. Buffalo Field Campaign Yellowstone Bison Update from the Field January 27, 2011 —————————— —————————— * ACTION…
The snow is deep, in fact it’s 130% of average in Yellowstone this year. That makes for a bad situation if you are a buffalo there. Do you try to stay in the Park where you can’t get to the food that you know is under all of that snow or do you follow your…
More on the Royal Teton Ranch bison grazing deal My earlier article about the Church Universal and Triumphant’s $3.3 million deal with the government and some conservation groups for bison grazing has spurred the AnimalTourism blog to do some more investigation into the value of the Royal Teton Ranch itself. What they conclude is pretty…