
  • An Event in Missoula, Montana on October 25, 2010 It never fails. Every time I find myself driving across the immense open space and undulating landscape of the front range in Montana, I puzzle myself over the absence of bison. And each time I hear about the threat posed to livestock by wolves, I wonder…

  • Don’t worry about the man behind the curtain. In so many ways the issue of brucellosis in bison and elk is similar to the issue of domestic sheep diseases and bighorn except the rationalization for killing wildlife is just the opposite. We now know that domestic sheep are responsible for disease issues in bighorn sheep…

  • Grazing and slaughter threaten the viability of bison and other sensitive species- The US Forest Service and the National Park Service are violating the law by not allowing bison the use of public lands. The grazing allotments provide the excuse the Montana Department of Livestock wants for their annual abuse of buffalo inside and outside…

  • Bison Population estimated to be 3900 Yellowstone National Park – Summer 2010 Bison Population Estimate Released. U.S. National Park Service Press Release

  • This hasn’t happened for about 50 years- We are used to bison leaving the Park to the west and the north, and the great, stupid controversy it causes. The approximately 150 bison moving out of the NE Entrance was most unusual. It appears the herd has now returned to the Park. Bison herd pays visit…

  • Ranch near Green Ranch which holds quarantined Yellowstone bison. A yearling bison on Ted Turner’s Flying D Ranch has been found to have died from anthrax. The bison is not one of the quarantined Yellowstone bison transferred to Turner but this is nearby Turner’s Green Ranch where the quarantined bison are being held. This concern…

  • Draft environmental statement for this brucellosis vaccine finds many negatives, few benefits- It (RB-51 vaccine) barely works as a vaccine. If it does work at all, it will take generations to make a difference. It might make the brucellosis bacteria more robust instead.  Bison will soon become wary of people. It is expensive. Vaccinated bison…

  • $9 Million plan won’t bring more tolerance by livestock industry. The plan to dart bison in Yellowstone with vaccine is just another money pit in an unending battle against bison by the livestock industry. It is inconceivable that the government wants to waste even more money on a plan that even they say won’t rid…

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