
  • Montana HB253 would change the answer to wildlife- This is the second story on HB253 posted in this forum. Are Bison Wildlife or Livestock? You have to start somewhere, and this proposed legislation would be a good first step. By Bill Schneider. New West. The Montana Wild Buffalo Recovery and Conservation Act of 2009 is…

  • Op-Ed. By Stephany J. Seay. Buffalo Field Campaign. West Yellowstone, Montana GNF Supervisor Mary Erickson’s morbid sense of humor claims renewal of the Department of Livestock’s permit for the Horse Butte bison trap is a “tool of tolerance.”  It certainly fits with Governor Schweitzer’s interpretation of “more tolerance” for wild bison; all we’ve seen from…

  • This is a direct link to their news release as formated in New West- Buffalo Allies supports passage . . .

  • Buffalo Field Campaign update from the field- Gallatin National Forest Approves Horse Butte bison trap, WTF! Montana begins killing elk to appease livestock interests- Although BFC is on my blogroll (down in the right column of the blog), I haven’t posted one of their “updates from the field” lately. Here is a slightly abridged version.…

  • Utah’s Henry Mountains herd — the source — originally came from Yellowstone Park- 31 Utah bison headed for the Book Cliffs. Associated Press. Salt Lake Tribune. – – – – – – – “Buffaloed” provided a better (a video) link. KSL Television. Thanks! Photo of Blue Castle Canyon in the Book Cliffs (one of…

  • Scientific study pretty much says Interagency Bison Management Plan (IBMP) is a waste of money- For those of us not connected with the cattle industry the results of this paper coming out in the Journal of Applied Ecology are hardly surprising, but for the cattle bureaucrats it should be a real wake up call. Study:…

  • go here

  • Opposition to restoration of genetically pure bison to Fort Peck once again shows the real agenda- Ranchers from nearly empty NE Montana are opposing the restoration of bison (derived from Yellowstone) to the remote Fort Peck area. Once again they cite brucellosis, even those these bison have been quarantined for three years. They obviously think…

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