
  • Common human brain parasite Toxoplasma gondii doesn’t just make rats like cats- It works like this. The protozoan Toxoplasma comes to maturity inside a cat and the cysts are expelled in cat feces. Any cat that lives part of the time outside may be infected. The parasite doesn’t hurt the cat, however. A rat or…

  • This post is in response to 2 scientific publications that have recently been published in the journal Canadian Field-Naturalist. Essentially, these two papers describe two different scenarios where the killing of coyote(s) eventually led to more coyotes in a local area. Many people, especially hunters that I have talked (or argued) with over the years,…

  • Livestock owners’ wild imagination about predators not limited to the West- Here is a little time out from the yarns and tales they spin in the Western United States about the vicious predators’ amazing feats of carnage.  Supposedly a 10-member  coyote pack  came into a bison enclosure where there were 14 bison and somehow drove…

  • Rancher ends up poisoning neighbor’s dogs instead of the intended coyotes- This has happened many times. Rancher decides to poison coyotes, hawks, eagles, etc.  Doesn’t have a legal poison to do it, or the animal might be protected. Rancher figures a toxic herbicide, pesticide, or his or her own concoction will do the trick. Ends…

  • Puppy runs up to coyotes and gets killed- Dog killed by coyotes in Aspen while on hiking trip. AP

  • I’m heading back home from a fruitless mission to find sign of sage grouse near leks (strutting grounds) along the Owyhee Front near Murphy, Idaho. We didn’t find any sign at all and fear that they are blinking out in this once productive stronghold. We did find these dead coyotes though. There were actually 5…

  • DNA tests show it was not a wolf, nor a hybrid — not a coywolf- Incredible. It’s hard to believe a coyote this size. Hunter Shoots Unusually Large Coyote in Northwest Missouri. Kansas City InfoZine. By James Low. Update 12/20/10 Here are the high resolution photos from the Missouri Department of Conservation Press Release:  

  • I’ve had this blog on the blogroll for over a month. It’s still small, but the webmaster has the talent to put it simply with interesting video. You might want to check it out.

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