
  • Important genetic study confirms Massachusetts coyotes are part eastern wolf- Dr. Jon Way who often comments on this forum is the lead author of a paper about to appear entitled, “Genetic Characterization Of Eastern “Coyotes” In Eastern Massachusetts.” He has allowed me to post a draft of this paper. These relatively large canids are hybrids…

  • The wolf was not the gray wolf, however, it was the Eastern wolf — canis lycaon- Dr. Jon Way has been telling us this for some time. I see he has changed his suburban coyote page to the “coywolf page.” Broken link now fixed. Coywolves’ a product of evolution. By Lawrence Pyne. Burlington Free Press.

  • Obama asked for executive order- This is clearly something the President could do quickly to rehabilitate his tarnished image on wildlife. Ironically, it was President Richard Nixon who in 1972 issued Executive Order 11643 banning the use of poisons to control predators on Federal land. Reagan later weakened this. In addition, there is plenty of…

  • Photography web site gives exposure to killing contest, provokes big reaction- The “predator derby” held annually by Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife is not well known outside of its participants. I don’t know about it until someone brought it up in comments. One web site, however, really took note of it. A story at…

  • Cape Breton Highland National Park in Nova Scotia was site of the attack- I’ve got to wonder if there weren’t really coywolves. On the other hand, there have been sporadic (non-fatal) attacks by coyotes on people in Yellowstone Park where it is just the original western coyote and occasional fatalities in other places. Singer killed…

  • Wylie Coywolf: The coyote-wolf hybrid has made its way to the Northeast. By Carina Storrs. Scientific American. This is hardly new news on this blog, but important for newcomers. It does show that where there is a major ecological niche, it will be filled. Canids evolve rapidly and are the epitome of a generalist predator.

  • This is hardly news to us, but coyotes are common in many cities and suburbs nowadays- As for myself, I’m happy when a coyote wanders through the neighborhood. It (or they) clean out the feral domestic cats. Controlling wily coyotes? Still no easy answers. By Mark Stark. Associated Press.

  • 115 groups call for the end of the agency which kills 1 million animals each year. Call for end to USDA’s wildlife killing agency SCOTT SONNER The Associated Press

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