
  • State calls off coyote hunt. By Matt Christensen. Times-News writer. The South Hills are not in South Central Idaho like the article says. They are in extreme southern Idaho. Shooting coyotes by paid employees from aircraft to reduce their numbers is not properly called “a hunt” post 1069

  • Too many dogs are lost to the M44 Cyanide devices the federal agency Wildlife Services puts out to kill coyotes, and too often they are non-target species. A Utah man is bound to teach them a lesson, and they really need to learn because the dog’s owner suffered some symptoms of cyanide poisoning too. Story…

  • I missed this important story earlier. I wouldn’t say this is proven yet, but the hypothesis is based on the observed fact that wolves actively kill coyotes and reduce their numbers. It is also observed fact that wolves rarely bother with pronghorn fawns, but coyotes prey heavily on them. Story in the Jackson Hole Planet.…

  • Billings Gazette reporter Mike Stark has finally done the needed spade work to come up with the story of how mange was spread into the canid population of the area, including now one wolf pack in Yellowstone. Mange threatening wolves. By Mike Stark. Billings Gazette.

  • This story is from USA Today. It’s a bit humorous in a way, despite the obvious danger. This most persecuted canid has truly conquered North America. Coyotes at Chicago’s O’Hare cause delays.  By Judy Keen. One person quoted in the article says the coyotes are venturing closer and closer to cities. That’s wrong. They live…

  • The coyote is probably the most successful predatory animal in North America. Contests like this have little effect on the coyote population, which over the last hundred years spread from the western United States to all of North America because of the elimination of the wolf and human induced ecological changes that increase coyote habitat.…

  • Biologist John Way suggested this article–“On the hunt for the elusive Adirondack wolf.” It seems that the belief that wolves have, or are about to reinhabit the Adirondacks is not new, nor is debate over what the eastern coyote really is.

  • “In an effort to help increase the deer population and also protect grazing sheep in Utah, the state provides money to eight Utah counties to pay bounties for killing coyotes.” Read the story in in Tooele Transcript Bulletin. Tooele is pronounced (TA will a). Offering bounties on coyotes is a long discredited program, nevertheless it…

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