
  • …..and do it with a boatload of arrogance Not surprisingly, the Montana Senate voted on a bill that would keep Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks from relocating bison anywhere in the state except for the National Bison Range in northwest Montana for the next two years. The Montana House has yet to pass…

  • This is a strange turn of events. Montana gov blocks shipments of Yellowstone bison to slaughter, suggests park feed animals. Matthew Brown – Associated Press Here is the actual executive order signed by Brian Schweitzer: Governor Schweitzer Stops Importation of Bison into Montana for 90 Days Feb. 16. Schweitzer halts bison slaughter. Bozeman Chronicle. By…

  • Decision will be appealed 513 bison at risk of being slaughtered Western Watersheds Project, Buffalo Field Campaign, Tatanka Oyate, Gallatin Wildlife Association, Native Ecosystems Council, Yellowstone Buffalo Foundation filed for a temporary restraining order in hopes of keeping Yellowstone National Park from sending 513 bison being held in the Stephens Creek capture facility to slaughter.…

  • “On bigotry and bison management at Yellowstone National Park”- It think this is a fine opinion piece in New West. Is Gardiner, Montana, the Selma, Alabama, of Wildlife Conservation? By Michael Leach, Guest Writer. I kind of feel the same way as Leach. – – – – Note that Leach, who used to work for…

  • Government slaughter could irreparably harm bison species. Recently I referenced unpublished data indicating that bison suffer from compromised mitochondrial DNA which could be exacerbated by government slaughter without any examination as to how it will affect the already genetically compromised herd.  That information has now been released. Historically, bison have gone through what is known…

  • Helicopter netting of elk as part of a brucellosis study Yesterday the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks was out using a helicopter to capture elk with nets so that they could test them for brucellosis, attach radio collars, and implant vaginal devices intended to drop out when the elk give birth or abort…

  • George Wuerthner gives us the facts on the brucellosis fraud- Bison Slaughter A Smoke Screen for Livestock Industry. “The on-going slaughter of Yellowstone National Park bison is justified on the basis of disease control—namely trying to prevent transmission of brucellosis from bison to cattle. While the potential economic impact brucellosis is real, the likelihood is…

  • Currently Chronic Wasting Disease does not infect humans, but . . . Chronic wasting disease is spreading more and more widely.  Our anti-conservation friends in the Department of Livestock and the various anti-wolf groups worry about brucellosis and dog tapeworms, but here is something that would be truly terrifying. Prions jumped from sheep probably to…

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