
  • An article about the ill-conceived bison quarantine program that will likely be turning the majority of the progeny of these bison into privately owned livestock. The Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks’ bison quarantine project started several years ago in an attempt to create a brucellosis free heard of Yellowstone bison from captured calves which had…

  • Pneumonia in important SW Montana herd spreads- FWP biologists, volunteers cull sick bighorns in East Fork of Bitterroot. By Perry Backus. Ravalli Republic. Damn those domestic sheep! – – – – This story earlier on this blog. Bighorn sheep near Darby, MT dying of pneumonia.

  • The infected animal had been vaccinated. This has been a perennial issue in areas surrounding the elk feedlots in Wyoming. It now seems that brucellosis has once again infected cattle in Idaho but it is too early to say where the disease originated. If brucellosis is found in another cattle herd in Idaho within a…

  • Below is this week’s Buffalo Field Campaign Update from the Field. I’ve been holding my tongue about “Buffalo Battle” which is a pilot episode for a possible new series about the bison issue and the Buffalo Field Campaign. The episode will air on December 5th on Planet Green. I’ve seen two early cuts of the…

  • Suit asks federal judge to stop Forest Service and Park Service from participating in Montana’s annual bison slaughter- As winter comes, Montana Department of Livestock and 4 other agencies are again gearing up to kill bison that wander from the confines of Yellowstone Park under the discredited argument these will spread brucellosis. This year they…

  • Domestic sheep will not return to allotment in bighorn sheep habitat. The Partridge Creek allotment in the Salmon River Canyon near Riggins is closed to domestic sheep grazing after Western Watersheds Project, The Wilderness Society, and Hells Canyon Preservation Council filed suit in Federal Court. This is a huge victory for bighorn sheep which have…

  • Ruling protects bighorn sheep in the Salmon River Canyon. The BLM Partridge Creek Allotment has been closed to sheep grazing to protect bighorn sheep from domestic sheep disease. This is a big victory for bighorn sheep in the Salmon River Canyon. These sheep are native sheep and have seen drastic declines over the years due…

  • After the Marie Bulgin scandal rocked the Bighorn world many of us had hoped that the issue of disease transmission from domestic sheep to bighorn sheep might be largely resolved in the public debate.  Recent news stories suggest otherwise. Likewise, there continues to be a lot of political posturing and spinning going on. Below are…

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