
  • It is rare that bighorn are actually documented commingling with sheep or cattle because it usually goes undetected. However, this is typical behavior of bighorn rams around the breeding season and it illustrates the concerns of bighorn advocates. This bighorn was 33 miles from the nearest known population of bighorn sheep in the South Hills…

  • Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) has been found in elk, deer, and moose in several areas of Wyoming and has been moving ever closer to the already brucellosis infected elk herds that use feeding grounds in northwest Wyoming. The feeding grounds long ago caused the elk to stop migrating to a unique area along the Continental…

  • The much touted vaccine that the woolgrowers have been promoting as a way to make bighorn and domestic sheep compatible is not even close to ready. While bighorn sheep are dying in Montana and Nevada, and while the herds in Hell’s Canyon and the Salmon River Canyon are suffering the long lasting effects of previous…

  • Last night Idaho Public Television’s “Dialogue” program had a round table discussion about the bighorn sheep issue and Congressman Mike Simpson’s disease rider that is attached to the Fiscal Year 2012 – House Interior-Environment Appropriations Bill.  On the panel, moderated by Marcia Franklin, was Margaret Soulen Hinson, president, American Sheep Industry Association; Neil Thagard, former president,…

  • Changes help livestock industry overall but does it change much on the ground for wildlife? Last week it was announced that another herd of cattle had likely become infected with brucellosis. Six cattle from a herd in Park County, Montana tested positive for exposure and have been quarantined to await test results to confirm the…

  • Well, the BLM has done it again, they’ve managed to wipe out another herd of bighorn sheep.  A herd of California bighorn sheep in the Snowstorm Mountains of northern Nevada is the latest victim of disease caused by domestic sheep.  While the Nevada Department of Wildlife hesitates to say whether interaction with domestic sheep is…

  • Bill to stop listing of new endangered species, mine the Grand Canyon, and let diseased sheep kill off our bighorns is Un-American- IMO, House Republicans are not patriots, nor do they care about wildlife or the future of our environment (except maybe that of the top 2%). Ralph Maughan The Arizona Republic opines on the…

  • Jackson Hole Weekly has feature article on the annual ritual of stupidity, malice, and waste of money- Every May the Montana’s Department of Livestock, and employees from various other Montana and federal agencies haze bison deep into Yellowstone Park.  During the winter, the bison migrate westward out of the Park to graze and give birth…

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