
  • Latest  is 4,635 elk, count is down 24 percent from 6,070 last winter- Wolf population was over 100, 5 years ago; now down to 37-* Update. Leader of the Yellowstone wolf team, Dr. Doug Smith talks about the elk situation on Montana Public Radio News. Note that it is not the first story in the…

  • A while back, we discussed the elk herd on the dry Hanford atomic reservation in central Washington State.  Ryan, a frequent person on this blog, was good enough to show me some photos of the most incredible bull elk from this herd! I wanted to post some photos, but I became convinced they are copyrighted. …

  • It’s good to recall the reasons- Norman A Bishop was a naturalist interpreter for many years at Yellowstone Park, and played a key role in the wolf restoration.  He is retired and continues a vigorous life, partly as an expert ski racer. He holds many positions including the board of the Wolf Recovery Foundation, of…

  • Yet another story of two-legged wolves taking down elk- 2010 seems to have been quite a year for elk poachers in the Rocky Mountains.  Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks issued this news release.  Versions of it are circulating in the media. News release: Elk Poaching Case Nets Nearly $40,000 in Fines & Restitution. Monday, January…

  • As Freudenthal leaves office, a reminder of reality- Freudenthal is on to other things. We don’t know what Governor Mead will do, but over a year ago Wyoming outfitters Tory and Meredith Taylor wrote an excellent story for WyoFile on the true state of affairs with wolves and elk in the Cowboy Energy State. Barstool…

  • Dry country elk herd’s major difficulty said to be agricultural damage- I didn’t know anything about the elk in this part of Washington state. I’m glad learn that a herd of 600-700 was established 30 years ago and does well. Elk continue to thrive in Mid-Columbia desert. By Annette Cary, Herald staff writer

  • Cumulatively they lost $9600 and 12 years of hunting privileges. Another form of poaching that is probably more common than this one incident might indicate. This case shows how difficult it is to convict many poachers. It took two years to catch someone using the bait station after it was first discovered. Is poaching becoming…

  • How about slob hunters? The story below has been getting a lot of attention. Wolves, Elk, and Slob-Hunting. What’s a bigger threat to elk: wolves or slob-hunters? By Matt Skoglund, Guest Writer in New West. 12-17-10 With in the condition of the economy and the traditional lack of wildlife ethics in some areas, I think…

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