
  • More about the trial of Tony Mayer, founder of SaveElk.com- “Judge Israel sternly told Mayer that he is charged with “flagrant unlawful killing and/or possession of a trophy bull elk,” a crime punishable in Idaho by up to five years in prison and a one-year to lifelong loss of hunting and fishing rights.” “Accused elk…

  • SaveElk.com founder charged with felony in killing of trophy elk Oh yes, you can’t make this stuff up: Anti-wolf activist accused of poaching – Idaho Mountain Express The founder of a Twin Falls-based, anti-wolf Internet site has been charged with a felony for allegedly killing a trophy bull elk out of season last year in…

  • Rocky Mountains Elk Foundation’s CEO David Allen’s annoying hysteria about wolves causing the “biggest wildlife management disaster since the 19 Century buffalo slaughter” is discredited- 2010 Big Game hunting forecast. By Christine Peterson. Casper Star-Tribune staff writer trib.com. Posted at the trib: Thursday, August 26

  • There have been many large scale changes to the land in recent years, including wolf restoration , but not just wolves- Predator puzzle. Study raises questions over what’s killing Bitterroot elk. By Alex Sakariassen. Missoula Independent. People tend to approach these questions with their minds made up.  What I see when I visit compared to…

  • While the headline is not accurate, it is gratifying to see a wolf in Franklin Basin- A sheepherder killed a wolf in the Bear River Range, east of Franklin, Idaho. This is right on the Idaho/Utah border and is certainly good news for wolves traveling south. I have had reports of wolves in the Franklin…

  • Migration is dwindling all over the Earth; Wyoming elk are one example- Climate change may favor couch-potato elk. Heading for the hills every spring appears worse than staying put. By Susan Milius. Science News. I have to wonder what the pollution of the Gulf of Mexico will do to the continent spanning bird migrations?

  • George Wuerthner responds to anti-wolf claims and asks wildlife managers to consider the ecosystem, the whole community of life, in assessing wolves’ influence in the west: The West needs more, not fewer, wolves – Missoulian, Guest Column – June 7, 2010 : Despite the dire predictions from hunter advocacy groups that wolves are “destroying” elk…

  • There will be media stories, good comments, and ignorant angry comments, but here’s one from a person who knows- Without commenting specifically on numbers or distribution of hunting quotas, I offer just these notes for your consideration. Aldo Leopold; forester, wildlife ecologist, conservationist, father of game management in America, lived from 1887 to 1948.  In…

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