Cause of crash is still not known- Idaho biologists recovering from helicopter crash. The Associated Press Although this has been discussed and we have been told a good investigation of matter has taken place over the last three days, the AP article says the cause of the crash is not know. It was a wolf,…
After many years in existence, Sheep Experiment State does NEPA analysis on their operations- According to their web site the Sheep Experiment Station’s mission is “to develop integrated methods for increasing production efficiency of sheep and to simultaneously improve the sustainability of rangeland ecosystems.” OK, but maybe folks would like to know the details. For…
Scotland’s wild red deer have bred with Japanese sika deer, serving to reduce their size- Red deer are similar to American elk, wapiti. Ironically a concern in the U.S. is red deer from “hunting” ranches escaping to breed with elk. Scotland’s deer are changing shape due to hybridisation. By Jody Bourton. Earth News reporter. BBC
Despite brucellosis and chronic wasting disease, they can’t seem to kick this bad habit- Wyoming group donates hay to feed elk this winter. AP in the Billings Gazette.
A historical perspective on the Gallatin Canyon elk “decline” controversy- The following is by Norman A. Bishop of Bozeman, a member of our Board and long time naturalist in the Greater Yellowstone area of Montana. – – – – – – Hunters angry over dwindling elk need historical perspective “Hunters vent anger over dwindling elk”…
Feeding that started in the ’70’s now attracts more than just elk This is an interesting story about what feeding elk in the Elkhorn subdivision of the Wood River Valley has led to. Elk herd troubles Idaho neighborhood By Ariel Hansen – The Magic Valley Times-News
This is the story about hunting district 310 that a lot of SW Montana hunters are upset about- Big game animals scarce in once-popular hunting district along Gallatin River. By Brett French. Billings Gazette.
Critical elk migration route protected by easement- 3-way easement makes Upper Miller Creek ranch an elk haven. By Rob Cheney. Missoulian