
  • More marching ahead down the road to elk disaster- Court rules for feedlots. By Cory Hatch, Jackson Hole Daily

  • World Wildlife Fund and the National Wildlife Federation offer a voluntary buyout- Wildlife refuge grazing deal sought. By Karl Puckett. Great Falls Tribune. Cattle and wildlife have been in conflict since this eastern Montana refuge was created in the 1930s. Info about the Refuge. Update 7/9/09: Livestock Groups Denounce “Cash-For-Grass” Offer – AP

  • This may or may not be precedent setting, but it would allow public hunting in a national park. This is forbidden except in Grand Teton NP. Editorial. New York Times. Elk Hunting in the Badlands

  • Deer and bighorn are down too. Pronghorn and elk doing well- Recently we ran the story how well Wyoming’s supposedly beleaguered elk population was doing. Every herd in the state was above Fish and Game objectives. It’s a different story for moose, which are only at 44% of objective. We ran a story how the…

  • Brucellosis is perpetuated by Wyoming feed grounds “If we could get rid of feed grounds and reduce population, we could solve much of our brucellosis problem,” Tom Roffe said. Game management By DANIEL PERSON Bozeman Daily Chronicle

  • Folks should remember that livestock interests often strive to keep the goals low- This does throw more cold water on the “wolves have killed all the elk” belief. Wyoming elk numbers surpass goal. State census shows herds about 12.3 percent above objectives, likely more with uncounted animals. By Angus M. Thuermer Jr.. Jackson Hole News and…

  • These landowners realized that proposed wind energy is a lot more than a few scenic wind turbines tucked nicely away in an unimportant gully or flat- Laramine Range Landowners: Slow down wind energy. By Dustin Bleizeffer. Casper Star-Tribune energy reporter Unlike most of Idaho and Utah, they do live in a truly high quality wind…

  • Loss of habitat and drought to blame, according to article- NV deer herds down; other species doing well. By Sandra Chereb. Associated Press Writer

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