
  • Loss of habitat and drought to blame, according to article- NV deer herds down; other species doing well. By Sandra Chereb. Associated Press Writer

  • As elk hunters in Montana let out a bellow for wolf “control” right alongside their friends in other western states – elk distribution and populations in Montana demonstrate a soaring population of elk in areas – enough so that ranchers are getting fed up with elk depredation on cattle forage. Changing attitudes stymie elk managers…

  • Zone outside Yellowstone declared “brucellosis free” with greater restrictions inside the affected Yellowstone area or eradication of infected elk and bison herds? Who pays? Who benefits? USDA wants two zones to reduce costs. Livestock interests say that it will put Yellowstone area ranchers out of business. According to the article, Livestock interests and Wyoming Sportsmen…

  • Consumers of “health supplement” may be at risk, study says- Protein linked to wasting disease found in elk antler velvet.  Consumers of health supplement may be at risk, study says.  By Hanneke Brooymans. The Edmonton Journal.

  • Bill passes key State Senate committee 7-2- The bighorn is in big trouble in Idaho with the population dropping from 6,500 in 1990 to about 3,500 today. One full curl bighorn ram can be worth as much as an entire band of sheep. Bill would prohibit bighorns in sheep grazing areas. AP In an April…

  • Barstool Mountain Myths: Wolves & Elk Numbers Strong Despite Dire Predictions. By Tory and Meredith Taylor. Wyomingfile.com The Taylors are longtime Wyoming outfitters. They recently retired after a long career.  It is fair to say they had a much stronger conservation viewpoint than most outfitters. Meredith, for example, joined with me and a number of…

  • Good news. Lack of feeding has kept wolves from keying on the feedlots- In general not feeding is good regardless of wolves- It is good news when elk don’t have to be, or simply are not fed. Mike Jimenez, wolf coordinator for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, said recently that wolves appear to not…

  • Weather plays biggest role in elk populations Idaho mulls shorter elk hunting season Associated Press “Hunters have blamed growing numbers of wolves. Hayden acknowledged that wolves are a factor, but he said the winter of 2007-08, which was colder and longer than normal, was the primary reason for the low calf numbers.”

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