This won’t impress most of that fraction of hunters who have decided that wolves have killed off the elk populations of Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming, but most years I have put up articles like this. From the Missoulian. Montana Elk, deer prospects look good this year. By Michael Jamison.
This is a long feature article in the Missoula Independent. Bigger Game By Patrick Klemz
Elk feedlots spread disease – including chronic wasting disease. The National Elk Refuge wouldn’t be such a tourist attraction with the lot suffering a widespread infection. Wildlife disease debate: To act or to react? – Jackson Hole News & Guide Wyoming only monitors spread of chronic wasting disease while some call for action.
We have been writing about his since 2006 on this blog. Recently, I linked to a site I named “How Now, Mad Cow“on my blogroll. RM Mysterious, fatal disease bound for elk feedgrounds. A cousin of mad cow, chronic wasting disease is a worry for Jackson Hole’s wildlife economy. By Cory Hatch. Jackson Hole News…
Need a good laugh that isn’t funny? The Elk Vaccination Follies. By Bill Schneider. New West. “FWP has doubled the elk quota around Yellowstone with minimal public input and is now talking about capturing 350 elk in the Paradise Valley to test the prevalence of brucellosis, which is commonly believed to be very low.” Robert…
There has been a sudden outbreak of rationality about elk and brucellosis. Good for Governor Schweitzer. Feedgrounds under fire. By Cory Hatch. Jackson Hole News and Guide.
Board brings back ‘split-state’ status. By Matt Gouras. Associated Press. Thank god! Let’s hope they adopt it. It is only one of the proposals they are considering.
The Forest Service did deny the expansion in size of several of them and has imposed a few restrictions. The Muddy Creek feedlot was the source of infection of elk to brucellosis several years back when Wyoming first lost its brucellosis free status. Story. Elk feed areas get 20 years. Forest supervisor rejects additions to…