
  • What an outrage! The officials who speak for this special interest group need to be put in their place. This should be a national campaign issue. Focus on elk as brucellosis persists near Yellowstone. By Matthew Brown, Associated Press Writer. They will have to kill every elk in the Greater Yellowstone, and, of course, every…

  • State vets plan to elminate brucellosis in Yellowstone bison. By Alden Downing, Channel 8 television. Billings, MT How f–king stupid can you be and hold an office like this!!?? I debated the Idaho State vet once (a different person than the current one). The guy was dumb as mud, and I’ve not bragging about my…

  • Brucellosis eradication from Greater Yellowstone currently impossible says Terry Cleveland. By Chris Merrill. Casper Star Tribune. He doesn’t agree with conservation organizations either — closing elk feedlots won’t work.

  • “U.S. Cattlemen’s Association said Monday that the federal government should reduce Yellowstone’s elk and bison populations to keep the animals separated from domestic livestock.” They aren’t satisfied with pushing bison toward extinction, and at the same time care little for elk in the Park or in the Greater Yellowstone. It’s all about the cattle industry…

  • More cattle test positive for disease. By Cat Urbigkit. Casper Star Tribune. If any show up in a second herd, Wyoming will lose its brucellosis free status once again.

  • The important lawsuit to rid the National Elk Refuge of artificial winter feeding of elk is underway. This article in the Jackson Hole Star Tribune touches on the testimony of two experts, one on each side. If as the interest group, Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife claims, closing feedgrounds will cause elk to transmit brucellosis…

  • Brucellosis again in Wyoming, and, surprise, surprise, most likely from the nearby elk winter feedlot. Brucellosis in Montana too, for the first time in a long while. it came from either elk or other cattle. So what’s the government’s brucellosis policy directed toward? — killing thousands of bison. Story in the Casper Star Tribune (with usual the…

  • Dan Brister examines the possible connection between Corriente cattle and the recent brucellosis outbreaks causing the loss of Montana’s brucellosis-free status. He questions whether cattle may be the source of the outbreaks rather than wildlife. Montana to lose brucellosis-free status Dan Brister from Buffalo Field Campaign West Yellowstone News. Meanwhile, Bill Schneider is busy Debunking…

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