Dan Brister examines the possible connection between Corriente cattle and the recent brucellosis outbreaks causing the loss of Montana’s brucellosis-free status. He questions whether cattle may be the source of the outbreaks rather than wildlife. Montana to lose brucellosis-free status Dan Brister from Buffalo Field Campaign West Yellowstone News. Meanwhile, Bill Schneider is busy Debunking…
The long winter has had an effect on ungulate populations in Idaho so hunting permits, especially moose permits, will be reduced so as not to effect the populations as much for the coming winter. Winter Kill in Idaho KPVI TV – Pocatello, Idaho Be Sure to watch the attached video as well as it contains…
Another cow has been found to be infected with brucellosis costing the state of Montana its brucellosis-free status : Sick Cow Costs Montana Its Brucellosis-Free Status – Mathew Brown – AP The cow in question was among a herd in Paradise Valley south of Livingston. NewWest’s coverage reveals the state’s astonishment : Montana veterinarian Marty…
The New York Times details a recent lawsuit filed yesterday by environmentalists to stop the feedlot-like conditions of the National Elk Refuge in Wyoming. Suit Opposes Elk Feeding in Wyoming – New York Times. By Jim Robbins. The spread of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) threatens wildlife given its recent proximity to the “refuge” and is…
This is a short stretch with a lot of commuting and tourist traffic. Story. AP The study found that at least 134 collisions between vehicles and deer or elk occurred in 2007 on the 26-mile stretch from Ketchum south to the intersection of state Highway 75 and U.S. Highway 20.
Too many elk and not enough tough love in Wyoming. By Jeff Welsch. Writers on the Range.
Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) has spread from white-tailed deer to wild elk and the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment makes no press release. Wasting Disease found in Sask. wild elk – The Edmonton Journal That CWD has crossed from white-tailed deer to wild elk is alarming enough, but it also raises concern about the potential for…
Ticks, starvation – lots of things kill ungulates in Idaho : Biologists track carcases in E. Idaho river – The Olympian It will be interesting to see whether any anti-predator group sends out an alert about the vicious ticks devastating game species in Idaho. Perhaps we’ll see some grandstanding about the need to control the…