Lead is toxic everywhere else, why would it be any different in bullets ? That’s not enough to keep some from being skeptical about the anti-lead people’s agenda : Study: Lead bullets taint game meat – Rocky Barker Idaho Statesman The side-bar has interesting information on lead spreading in deer
Do Elk Feedgrounds Violate Public Trust? By Deb Donahue.* Wyomingfile.com This is a fine legal analysis of Wyoming’s elk feedlots. ” Litigation is generally an ineffective way to manage wildlife. But litigation over the feedgrounds seems inevitable, and it may be the only way to ensure that western Wyoming’s wildlife get a fair shake.” –…
Wyoming’s Elk feedlots were kept open a month longer than usual. Managers of the National Elk Refuge are looking to expand the hunt and irrigate the feedlot saying that doing so will disperse the animals, reducing the disease potential. No mention of natural predators or preservation/restoration of the herds’ natural winter range. Alfalfa pellets. Winter…
Oregon is cracking down a bit on shooting elk in an enclosure. Idaho seems to be the Western state that is relentlessly backward on this odious practice. Prohibition on shooter bulls goes into effect next year. The East Oregonian
Close Elk Feedgrounds Before It’s Too Late. By Brodie Farquhar. Wyomingfile.com
National Geographic Society’s Center for Sustainable Destinations, in partnership with several conservation and tourism organizations (click here to see full list ), most notably Wyoming Travel and Tourism have launched a giant “geotourism” program for the Greater Yellowstone Region (click here for the main page of the project website). The effort is intended to “celebrate…
Good for the Greater Yellowstone Coalition on this! This alert gives the information and allows you to send an easy eletter against yet another disease-spreading elk feedlot in the Gros Ventre River drainage (of course, your completely personalized letter is always better).
Note the article below is wrong about the opening date of most of the Park’s interior roads. It is not March 2, but April 20. I am at Yellowstone Park right now. It is April 11, and the snow on the Park’s northern range is deeper than I have ever seen it by far, even…