Dr. Jim Peek presented data at the Chico wolf conference showing that the elk and deer population is doing fine in the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness. He examined population and hunter success trends in 4 key hunting units before and after wolf restoration. Currently there are 105-119 wolves in the 4 units,…
Ranchers face charges after 34 elk shot dead. By AMY HAMILTON. Grand Junction Daily Sentinel. “Two Northwest Colorado ranchers, apparently frustrated by foraging elk eating hay intended for livestock, now face thousands of dollars in fines and multiple felony charges for allegedly killing 34 elk.”
This is not an overview of all of Wyoming, or even NW Wyoming. It’s a story mostly about the country southwest of Jackson Hole — the Fall Creek elk herd. Ironically, this herd is in the area where all wolves can be killed by anyone at will beginning March 28. Elk herd prolific in latest…
Although not as bad as several years ago, 48 elk have died from eating a deadly lichen that grows in the Red Rim area near Rawlins. Deadly lichen killing southern Wyoming elk. By Chris Merrill. Casper Star-Tribune
Alberta gives the wolf no protection to begin with. Elk populations in the area are high, and it is questionable whether this is research. This is not a huge wolf killing/sterilization project, but it could devolve into such a project. The major newspapers don’t like it. Wolves targeted to boost elk hunt. Sterilization part of…
Officials assess refuge herd at mid-winter. Mortalities are down, but officials worry about high numbers, warmer temperatures. Jackson Hole News and Guide. An amazingly small number of elk have perished as of mid-winter at the National Elk Refuge. However, the snow is deep, meaning it will probably melt out late and will get dirty and…
The annual, and always controversial count of elk on the Yellowstone northern range has been released. The northern range of Yellowstone extends well north of Yellowstone Park itself. The news article concludes on the basis of speculation by a couple biologists that more elk are now living north of the Park due to the long…
The better to hunt elk, my dear. Wolf advocates say predators, not sharpshooters, best for national park. By Bill Scanlon, Rocky Mountain News. WildEarth Guardians will sue over the plan to shoot 200 elk a year to control elk overpopulation in Rocky Mountain NP rather than introduce wolves to keep the elk population in check.