I can see that Robert Fanning is hot to have his say about the terrible terrible trouble he thinks wolves have done to the northern range elk. He added the comment below to the jackrabbit thread, but let’s give him a post. Ralph Maughan ________________ Subject: Northern Yellowstone elk older and fewer http://www.wildlife-enhancement.ca/usainfo_2.htm Friday, December…
Idaho elk ranchers push new cervidae council bill. Council would be for public relations. By Matt Christensen. Times-News writer. Idaho’s livestock industry has really been showing its fangs this year. Senator David Langhorst, Democrat of Boise, who his introduced a bill to make illegal the shooting of elk behind a fence is no doubt one…
This is another attempt by this powerful livestock interest group to lock Wyoming Game and Fish into their awful feeding regime, keeping Wyoming elk like livestock in during the winter months. Story in Wyomingfile Network. By Brodie Farquhar. Note that Wyomingfile is a new experiment in news coverage in Wyoming. It looks like an important…
Here’s the story, but the interesting thing is why it has no chance of passing. It’s because of the dominance of livestock lobbyists in Idaho. It won’t pass for the same reason the legislators rail and rave about wolves. The wolves are a diversion to keep hunters from seeing the privatization of wildlife in favor…
In a state overrun with disease spreading feedlots for wintertime elk feeding, we would think Wyoming doesn’t need more, but they seem to be slowly establishing yet a new one. This is in the Buffalo Valley, a very sensitive spot from standpoint of wildlife and Grand Teton National Park. The Buffalo Valley is a scenic,…
Jan. 29, 2008 We’ve covered this pointless plan to trap elk and test them for brucellosis antibodies before they go onto the Muddy Creek winter feedlot. Those that test positive are killed and the rest left to act like cattle for the rest of the winter. Regarding the slaughtered elk, most of which really don’t…
I got a kick out of this snippet from the Idaho Statesman and thought I’d share : “Those people that believe in shooting animals through a fence after enticing them to the fence with a bucket of grain ought to turn the rifle around the other way,” said Andrus, a Democratic former governor and U.S.…
Off-road ‘enthusiasts’ (snowmobiles) expressed their disdain for a “Blaine County Cooperative Conservation Recreation and Travel Plan” which would close BLM and state big game wintering habitat to both motorized and non-motorized recreationists on either side of the Wood River Valley “only when harsh winter conditions warrant.” Motorized users express outrage over BLM travel plan Snowmobiles…