
  • Once again, the Fish & Wildlife Service’s attempt to undermine the integrity and contribution of science in the wolf recovery process was met with a diverse and vociferous outcry of wolf, and science, supporters.

  • Freudenthal is gearing up to defend the indefensible, — Wyoming’s winter elk feed grounds, the continued source of brucellosis transmission in elk and the place where chronic wasting disease will first show up in the Greater Yellowstone elk and deer. If you are going, defend something so wrong, it might just pay off to say…

  • From the Idaho Statesman. Experts, environmentalists, hunters aren’t sure if wolf tourism is doable in Idaho. Some say watchers, hunters can help economy. By Heath Druzin Wolves & Elk: The overriding issue in delisting. Posted previous on this blog 4-22-07 The long life of one wolf embodies the story of wolf recovery in Idaho. Posted…

  • This is about the extinct “superwolves” that once inhabited Alaska, but died out because they became too specialized. He ends with a dig at that fraction current elk hunters whose techniques don’t change either. Barker’s blog. Idaho Statesman.

  • The large population of elk, and whether and how to reduce it inside Rocky Mountain National Park, continues to be a political controversy. There is pressure to use “qualified sportsmen,” but, on the other hand, a substantial number of elk migrated out of the national park last year, and of those that left quite a…

  • While this article is a bit repetitive, it shows the evolution of the controversy. The Paradise Valley, in particular the Emigrant cattle ranch, seems not be the source of brucellosis. Some still suspect elk from somewhere, but some are thinking it came from infected cattle from somewhere else. Some folks who have posted have suggested…

  • Well surprise, brucellosis has actually shown up in Montana livestock, and it didn’t come from bison. The news article says there is a possible link to elk. Well duh! Elk passed brucellosis to cattle in Wyoming and Idaho, and both states lost their “brucellosis free status.” I predicted it for years, while they were yelling…

  • Of course, wolves haven’t and these recent articles indicate. This new info is just short of incredible given all the ranting and raving by Wyoming politicians and some hunting organizations over the last ten years about how the wolf had decimated the elk. April 26. Wyoming Game and Fish proposes additional hunting licenses to offset…

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