Spread Creek rises east of Jackson Hole and flow into the Park. It is terrible fishing because it was degraded by a dam to divert waters to Elk Ranch Reservoir for irrigating hayfields for CATTLE inside Grand Teton National Park. The lower reaches of Spread Creek are lousy for fish, but the country around it…
In the second year of a project called “sadly misconceived” by conservationists, 173 elk were trapped at Muddy Creek feedground near Pinedale. 79 of the elk were adult females. 13 of the 79 tested seropositive for brucellosis and were slaughtered. “Seropositive” means the elk had antibodies — they had been exposed to brucellosis. A smaller…
This should be so obvious, but I has finally dawned on me that many elk hunters think that those who have supported the wolf restoration, hate elk, or at best are indifferent to elk. Because wolves eat elk, deer, moose, etc. it should be obvious that wolf supporters have a great interest in the health…
Idaho is going down a different path than Wyoming in terms of harming elk–different, but just a bad (privatization of elk). Elk will be livestock, not wildlife if this trend continues. There is already too much agricultural thinking about wildlife in Idaho, and not enough thinking about wildlife as a good thing, in and of…
Elk prefer people on foot. Study finds ATVs, bikes disturb them most. By Cory Hatch. Jackson Hole News and Guide.
Look at these amazing details. Look and see if you can detect the effect of wolves. Remember wolves were reintroduced in 1995. At first there were just a few, and at the end of 2005 about 600 wolves, so the evidence of their effect should increase each years after 1995. Link to the figures.
Canned “hunts” won’t be banned, or even altered. The state Dept. of Agriculture could demand that elk operations put up additional fencing. A $200 licensing fee would be required which the Dept. of Agriculture could revoke. Legislators argued no farmed elk had been known to escape “lately.” Story. Elk industry’s bill clears Senate panel. Committee…
There is finally some action in the state legislature on the many bills introduced to regulate/self-regulate/or crack down on the domestic elk industry in Idaho. Hunters, elk ranchers take stands on bills. Senate committee hears testimony on measures that would restrict elk-ranching industry. By Roger Phillips. Idaho Statesman