Idaho Democratic gubernatorial hopeful Jerry Brady and Republican nominee Butch Otter finally had a debate of sorts. It turns out they differ considerably on conservation issues. Otter’s lack of clarity on the out-of-state-funded “property rights” Proposition 2 was troublesome. They also differed on Wilderness and Otter made it clear that while he might sign a…
No wonder this always fatal disease keeps spreading and spreading among the deer and elk of Wyoming, Colorado and into other states. A s c a r y p o r t e n t It’s fortunate mad cow disease is not spread this way! Read about it in the Jackson Hole Star Tribune. “Study…
“The rulings come at a time when an emerging bipartisan coalition of Western politicians, hunters, anglers and homeowners has joined conservation groups in objecting to the rapid pace and environmental consequences of Bush administration policies for energy extraction on federal land.” Read about it in the Washington Post (via the Casper Star Tribune). Related: Interior…
This is another article about the effect natural gas development is having on elk in the country SE of Jackson, WY. This story is through the eyes of outfitters in the Upper Green River Basin. Article “elk or energy.” It’s from today’s Jackson Hole News and Guide.
Here in more on the on-going story of the escaped domestic elk in Eastern Idaho. After a series of confrontations with hunters in the special hunt to kill the escaped domestic elk, Rex Rammell was arrested yesterday after a confrontation with Idaho Fish and Game officers. He is free on bail. Story in the Idaho…
Chronic wasting disease has not shown up in Montana’s deer and elk, but Montana FWP isn’t waiting. They are setting up a program and procedure how to deal with it when, or if it shows up in Montana. Read article.
This is a National Parks Conservation Association story about the overabundance of elk in Rocky Mountain National Park. This is hardly a brand new revelation. However, the story is well written. Read article.
According to an Alberta researcher who studied “naive” elk (translocated elk) in Alberta, hunters and wolves could quickly solve the problem of the escaped elk because the elk don’t know how to live on their own in the area. On the other hand, a few of the Alberta naive translocated elk did learn to adapt.…