
  • Here is more on the on-going story of the elk that escaped from the Chief Joseph hunting reserve, and the State of Idaho’s effort to kill them. Article

  • While this is potentially a lot of reading, there is a good link to the Idaho law governing deer family (Cervidae) farms and  rules issued under the law. The link also goes to rules on importing animals. Laws and rules.

  • “[Idaho State Senator Laird] Noh wasn’t surprised. Rammell is a familiar name, a man Noh described in 2002 as a ‘bad actor’ who shouldn’t have been ‘legislated off the books’ when state lawmakers forgave some $750,000 in fines that the elk breeder owed to the state for numerous violations.” –  –  –  – The newspapers…

  • Idaho Fish and Game has a news release today on the elk. – – – Date: September 8, 2006 Contact: Ed Mitchell (208) 334-3700 Governor Risch authorizes immediate harvesting of escaped elk JAMES E. RISCH GOVERNOR NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: CONTACT: Brad Hoaglun September 7, 2006 (208) 334-2100 BOISE – Governor Jim Risch signed…

  • It’s usually the other way arong, with Wyoming game management worrying Idaho. Wyoming elk even passed on brucellosis to Idaho cattle, causing Idaho to lose its “brucellosis free” status. The escape of these farm elk into the greater Yellowstone elk population now worries Wyoming, a state with sloopy elk management, but also a state that…

  • People have been fearing this for a long time. Hopefully the domestic elk have no disease. The politics of the whole is really disgusting, but perhaps the outcome will be to put strong controls on these private elk “hunting” reserves, and maybe like the good folks in Montana did, shut them down. They are an…

  • A high proportion of Wyoming elk that reside on state run elk feedlots in the winter (or the National Elk Refuge near Jackson) are infected with or exposed to brucellosis. Elk that “winter out” have far lower infection rates, but WY Game and Fish, under pressure from ag interests, wants to keep those feedlots. So…

  • The “Trailhead fire” comes boiling over the top of the Sawtooth Range into Stanley Basin. Copyright Lynne Stone The mountains around Stanley Basin and the Sawtooth Valley, Idaho, have, in recent years, witnessed a huge die-off of lodgepole pine. This relatively short-lived pine is plenty flammable even when it is green. When dead, it is…

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