
  • Famous family of conservationists says change policy or give up the Olaus Murie Award- Olaus Murie is often called the “father of modern elk management.” His seminal scientific study of elk and many other kinds of wildlife such as caribou, which he learned about for 6 years in the field with has brother Adolf, was coupled with…

  • Remarkable video shows an elk calf-eating grizzly and elk grazing side by side- Daryl Hunter spotted grizzly bear #610 approaching elk at Willow Flats in Grand Teton National Park. The bear had been eating their elk calves all months. Guess what happened next?  Watch his video.

  • Chairman of the State Fish, Wildlife and Parks Commission chair says Montana elk are 22,000 over state objectives- Anti-wolf sentiment seems high in Montana, judging from the media, but mostly from the Republican Party. However, the chairman of Montana FWP Commission, Dr. Robert Ream, once a wolf researcher himself, told Bitterroot Valley residents that the…

  • Findings contradict local views on the dire effect of wolves on elk calves- Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks and University of Montana have a 3-year study going to find out about elk and predator relations in the southern part (the “upper part”)  of the Bitterroot Valley, Montana.  By the time of the recently ended  wolf…

  • Final figure to be about 163 166 wolves, 75% of quota- Montana’s once extended, second wolf hunting season ends today.  As of noon today, Feb. 15, 166 wolves had been reported killed in the hunt.  Statewide this is about 75% of the quota set by Montana’s Fish, Wildlife and Parks commissioners.  Three hunting units closed before…

  • Senator Jeff Siddoway also pushes amendment to turn Land Owner Appreciation bill into a no access gravy train- Idaho rancher and State Senator Jeff Siddoway has introduced a bill (S1305) in the Idaho statehouse that would authorize the slaughter of wolves involved in molesting or killing livestock by any number of creative ways. Senator Siddoway…

  • Commission gives initial approval on divided vote, but final approval might fail- Like the Lolo in Idaho on the Idaho/Montana border,  the decline of elk in the West Fork of the Bitterroot area (hunting district 250) in Montana in recent years has been widely blamed on wolves, but the Montana wolf hunters can’t seem to…

  • Video of an amazing number of elk captured by a cell phone- We keep hearing how Idaho elk are all but extinct from anti-wolf folks and others with various gripes. Maybe this capture from the highway on a cell phone is the only herd left, but it certainly is impressive. Folks who know southern Idaho…

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