Nevada ‘Carp Rodeo’ aims to cull invasive species. Associated Press
Twenty pound Asian carp caught- An Invader, Near the Great Lakes. By Monica Dave. New York Times. ” ‘Asian carp are like cockroaches; when you see one, you know it’s accompanied by many more you don’t see,’ said Henry Henderson, of the Natural Resources Defense Council.”
Utah’s new anti-access law effect’s on fishing could be overcome by access purchase- We discussed this earlier in brief as part of the comments on the Salt Lake City, Chevron oil pipe spill into Red Butte Creek and the Jordan River. Utah anglers may have to buy access to streams. By Brandon Loomis. The Salt…
Why doesn’t Wildlife Services get a job killing these rather than our native wildlife? Instead we have the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers doing nothing to stop their spread to the Great Lakes. Why Are Asian Carp So Fearsome? By Karen Rowan. as reported in Yahoo News.
Another good year for Idaho’s sockeye salmon? 134,000 164,000 sockeye have crossed Bonneville Dam which is more than 3 times the 10-year average. Most of those are heading to lakes in Washington State but a few are returning to lakes in Idaho’s Sawtooth Mountains. During the last two years Idaho saw exceptionally high returns of…
The merits of dam removal discussed. There has been an ongoing discussion about the removal of the Lower Snake River dams for many years, in fact, there was opposition to building them in the first place due to concerns about salmon runs. This article examines the pros and cons of dam removal and I think…
Rotenone has been used a number of times on carp at this national wildlife refuge, but it never gets them all. Once again there over a million carp. Is there any long term solution? Explosion in carp numbers have caused big drop in birds at eastern Oregon refuge. By Richard Cockle, The Oregonian