
  • The Skunks and Badgers leave island with pelicans. The plan to introduce skunks and badgers to an island in Eastern Idaho’s Blackfoot River Reservoir so that they would prey on pelican eggs has failed because the skunks and badgers have left the island. Badgers, skunks to F&G: Thanks but no thanks to island plan. By…

  • Scientists Find Giant Plumes of Oil Forming Under the Gulf- Past oil spills have always been on the surface. So we tend to think of measuring their size that way (by overhead photography).  However this oil gushing out of the deep and much not coming to the surface.  Huge underwater plumes are present unseen and…

  • The fish is in serious trouble due to dams on the Lower Snake and Columbia Rivers The Pacific Lamprey had seen drastic declines in population over the last few decades and is quickly becoming a rare sight. Last year it was estimated that only 30,000 crossed Bonneville Dam, down from 350 million to 400 million…

  • Lake at the base of Steens Mountain to be poisoned and restocked with trout- Goldfish invade Eastern Oregon trout lake. Associated Press

  • Is this a violation of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act? After being told by the US Fish and Wildlife Service that their plan to oil the eggs of nesting pelicans amounted to an eradication program, the Idaho Fish and Game has proceeded to introduce skunks and badgers onto Gull Island in Blackfoot Reservoir to eat…

  • Mixed strategy recommended by independent panel for 2010 NOAA Fisheries wanted to barge all of the salmon from the Snake River around the dams and not spill any water over them because of the low water year that is predicted to be 54% of the normal flow. An independent panel said no and suggested that…

  • Good or bad, they’re everywhere. Introductions of rainbow trout have caused the extinction of many species and are one of the primary reasons that inland sub-species of cutthroat in the western US have declined, or in some cases become entirely extinct. The Yellowfin, Waha Lake, and Alvord cutthroats, of Colarado Idaho, and Oregon respectively, have…

  • Rules that isolated population is not a distinct population The mountain whitefish of the Big Lost River Basin was denied endangered species protection by Ken Salazar’s US Fish and Wildlife Service. They argued that the fish could not be considered a separate species, sub-species, or distinct population segment even though they have been isolated from…

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