
  • Plan required as part of the Adaptive Management Plan The Army Corps of Engineers has released a plan of how they will study dam removal if it becomes necessary to remove one or more of the four Lower Snake River dams. DAMS: Corps releases possible dam breaching plan of study Tri-City Herald

  • Park hopes to reduce invasive trout species The only native trout in Yellowstone National Park are Yellowstone and Westslope Cutthroat, and Arctic Grayling. Over the years those species have been reduced in population due to competition, predation, and hybridization due to other introduced trout. Lake trout, brown trout, and rainbow trout have become well established…

  • Phosphate mining, its jobs, and its environmental impact are big things in SE Idaho- A lot of the folks I talked with today spontaneously and favorably brought up this article by Marv Hoyt, Idaho Representative for the Greater Yellowstone Coalition. It appeared in the Pocatello, Idaho newspaper. March 24, 2010. Phosphate Mining and Our Hope…

  • Are we one step closer to removal of the Snake River Dams? Judge finds fault with federal salmon plan. Conservation groups optimistic about order. By Jon Duval. Idaho Mountain Express. These dams are on the lower Snake River. That’s in the state of Washington, but they greatly harm salmon and steelhead migration to and from…

  • These sea-run rainbow trout are now moving well up the Salmon and Clearwater Rivers- The season has been good so far. Now the fish are moving well upstream. I see the average time to catch one is about 5 hours, depending on your fishing location. Roger Phillips’ Fish Rap: Steelhead fishing is heating up a…

  • This is the second good Administration wildlife decision in recent days- The other one is the protection of the jaguar. Feds Propose Expanding Bush’s Bull Trout Habitat. Fish and Wildlife proposes another reversal of Bush policy, this time on bull trout habitat. By Jeff Bernard. AP Environmental Writer

  • Harmed by the effects of the Libby Dam, the Kootenai River sturgeon haven’t spawned for 35 years now- North America’s biggest fish slips toward extinction. By Matthew Brown. Associated Press.

  • Wild salmon increasingly spawn in tiny Marsh Creek and other small central Idaho waters- Fate of Idaho salmon plays out in tiny Marsh Creek. The fish that spawn here are among the most vulnerable in the region. Will Obama’s plan help if the population plummets? By Rocky Barker. Idaho Statesman. About 5 years ago, I…

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