
  • Western Watersheds Project wins appeal in Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest overturning a grazing decision for the Franklin Basin Allotment in northern Utah- Over the years the popular Franklin Basin area of the Cache National Forest in Bear River Range just south of the Idaho border has been increasingly pummeled by cattle and sheep. One result has…

  • These are the fish seen in YouTube videos leaping out of the water when disturbed by boats. Water skiers have been injured by them and they are rapidly taking over waterways in the midwest. Fish and wildlife officials will poison a 6-mile stretch of water near Chicago on Wednesday in a last-ditch effort to keep…

  • One of Idaho’s most famous fishing streams has always been safe- This is certainly good news. I know the first time I ever saw Silver Creek I had been to a meeting with the Idaho Department of Transportation in Boise. The stream looked so amazing, I got out my rod and waded in wearing my…

  • 833 sockeye made the trip back to the Sawtooth Valley from the ocean this year- This is a great success from the not too distant past when only one salmon returned — “Lonesum Larry” Record sockeye salmon return. By Jon Duval. Idaho Mountain Express Staff Writer

  • Big surprise. Dams don’t matter? Because they haven’t compared enough rivers, there are plenty of other hypothesis. I propose the Fraser River stocks do poorly because of all the disease breeding salmon farms the B.C. government has allowed between the mouth of the Fraser and the open ocean. Do Dams Make A Difference? Similar Survival…

  • All sides win as 90-year-old salmon killer is demolished- When Gold Ray Dam (further upstream) is taken out next year, over 150 miles of the magnificent Rogue River of SW Oregon will have been returned to freedom. Story in the LA Times. Oregon dam’s demise lets the Rogue River run. By Kim Murphy.

  • USFWS agrees to make this very rare and declining fish a candidate species for the list- Court action by 4 conservation organizations are responsible for this late turn of events for this beautiful (former) sports fish now down to just one or two streams. This is another species earlier denied protection by the bullying tactics…

  • Obama’s “warmed-over-Dubya plan” for salmon is good enough to irritate Rep. Doc Hastings, however- We posted on this earlier. Reaction continues to come. Under Obama’s new salmon plan, breeching the dams on the Snake River in that state of Washington would be a last resort, rather than the plan salmon recovery advocates had hoped for…

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