This is a big issue in Pocatello and the southern part of the Greater Yellowstone- Environmental groups want E. Idaho mine injunction. AP. Idaho Statesman. It’s a classic jobs versus obvious, long lasting environmental damage spread over a wide area issue. The major environmental issue is not the pit but the spreading leakage of selenium…
Formerly polluted creek near Butte, Montana now has trout- Few creeks were as polluted by mining as Silver Bow Creek near Butte, but after about a century trout, some as big as 18 inches are back. Associated Press story. After a century, trout return to Silver Bow Creek, Montana
Recent polls show Jeff Merkely tied or ahead of GOP incumbent Gordon Smith who has supported the Bush Plan (keep the dams) on the lower Snake River in Washington state. This is a regional (Pacific Northwest) issue, not a Washington state issue. Most fishery biologists think worthwhile salmon recovery in Idaho can’t happen with these…
Palin and the gold mine above Bristol Bay- Salah Palin may have violated state law when she tried to divorce herself from the fact that she was governor to register her opposition to a ballot referendum designed to kill the Pebble Mine. She basically endorsed the controversial Pebble mine that could destroy the world class…
An Early Fall Float on the North Fork of the Flathead This New West article with great photos describes floating the beautiful North Fork of the Flathead from its origin in British Columbia downstream to the US border?? I linked to it because I was just up there myself in BC to investigate, and a…
They don’t do anything to restore the salmon runs, but they show up for photos when the small run of salmon finally makes it past Stanley, Idaho. View of the Idaho Mountain Express: photo-op environmentalism.
Deal reached on Kootenai sturgeon. By Nicholas K. Geranios. Associated Press Writer The huge and long-lived sturgeon have not been able to spawn successfully in the Kootenai RIver since the Libby Dam was finished way back in the 1970s.
Three poisons that cleared the EPA are found to threaten the recovery of 28 threatened or endangered salmon stocks: Fisheries Service Finds Three Pesticides Imperil West Coast Salmon – Media Newswire This news comes right on the hind end of Bush Interior’s attempt to sidestep outside science with endangered species act decisions (Bush to relax…