
  • “The complacency of Utah anglers and hunters has always confounded me. Most organized group reactions to issues concerning wildlife are emotional outbursts that come too late in the game.” Read the rest in Tight lines: Energized effort to protect wildlife. Brett Prettyman. Salt Lake Tribune columnist. – – – – Then too there are those…

  • Agencies issue plan to run Columbia dams, conserve salmon. By Jeff Bernard. Associated Press. It is very expensive, but does not remove the major problem — the dams on the lower Snake River. It may or may not meet the demands of U.S. District Judge James Redden who has been very hostile to past Administration…

  • Effort launched to save Yellowstone Park’s cutthroat trout. Associated Press. I hope this tips the balance. The disasterous effect of the alien lake trout on Yellowstone’s cutthroat trout, coupled with whirling disease, is perhaps the most serious ecological problem in the Park, and a great loss to people who want to fish too.

  • After the unexplained virtual disappearce of the salmon run in the Sacremento River after the best run in many years, the slow return of chinoock salmon into the Columbia has folks on edge. Rocky Barker writes about it today. Idaho Statesman. Update added April 11. Sharp Curb on Salmon Season. By FELICITY BARRINGER. New York…

  • I haven’t posted on this before, although debating and planning for this has gone on for years. Yesterday, however, it came to fruition. The old Milltown Dam near Missoula was breached and two very important rivers were made free-flowing again. There was some positive rhetoric from the politicians. “Sen. Max Baucus, Sen. Jon Tester and…

  • For deep inlanders, steelhead are sea-run rainbow trout — big anadromous fish like salmon. Unlike salmon, steelhead don’t spawn and die, but return to the ocean (although in reality few fish survive to run and spawn a second time). Steelhead lose the characteristic red band (the rainbow) that freshwater rainbow trout have. Idaho’s steelhead runs…

  • A 60-hour flood of water is being released from Glen Canyon Dam on the Colorado River in what is supposed to be renewal of the Grand Canyon’s dwindling sandbars, beaches, vegetation, and habitat for rare and endangered fish. This is the third time such a flood has been created since the giant dam and reservoir…

  • It appears that the Big-Game interests are pushing hard in Idaho. House Joint Resolution No.2 (HJR002) would amend the state constitution to : provide that the people have the right to hunt, fish, trap and harvest wild game Fair enough, I mean, it’s not like the state doesn’t already exercise this ‘right’ as it is.…

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