
  • Disease strikes Idaho fish hatchery, killing 250,000 rainbows. By John Miller. Associated Press.

  • This sounds very serious. It could spread. Ebola-like virus killing fish in Great Lakes. USA Today. By Dennis Cauchon. post 1072

  • FWS keeps on keeping on… purging ESA protections. Not surprising given the previous post. Wolves, Grizzlies, Slickspot peppergrass, Fluvial graylings, the list goes on and on – We are witnessing the political dismemberment of what is supposed to be an agency guided by science – instead plundered by political obstructionists and public land profiteers. Link…

  • The new cattle put into a Washington State Wildlife area are posted as a Google Flash video (please rate the video). This is an outrage. These areas were purchased to restore wildlife, and salmon and steelhead habitat using your dollars. Now they have been opened to cattle in some kind of shady deal. Get the cows…

  • From New West. Montana stream access issue becomes a three-front war. By Dan Testa; and from the Missoulian. Legal questions surface about governor’s stream access move By Charles S. Johnson. Missoulian State Bureau Here is an earlier story on the issue from early April 1 that I posted. Update. April 18. Editorial in the Missoulian.…

  • Post 995 It must gall Kempthorne and Idaho’s water politicians, but the Ninth Circuit Court has upheld an earlier decision on salmon that could lead to the tearing down of the pork barrel salmon and steelhead-killing dams on the lower Snake River. Significantly, “The court also called flawed the Bush administration’s standards that said Endangered…

  • Much like the proposals to regulate or eliminate elk shooting enclosures in Idaho, which had much public support, but were defeated anyway, efforts in Montana to secure the right to access the streams of the state, which belong to the people, has been killed in the Montana legislature. Much-debated stream access bill tabled. By Charles…

  • In the last several years Montana’s economy has turned really turned around after years of stagnation and growing inequality. During that time too more and more landowners have tried to block off the public from their streams. Now Gov. Brian Schweitzer has come out strongly in favor of a proposed law that would require landowners…

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