Predator Control

  • NDoW opposes killing of predators says habitat is the issue. There is a battle raging in Nevada about predator control under the guise of helping deer and sage grouse. As it turns out the problem isn’t about predators but about habitat quality. For years the BLM and the ranchers have colluded in an effort to…

  • Howl gets a very interesting and important interview- If you are interested in the politics and history of government animal killing for the livestock industry, Robinson’s book, Predatory Bureaucracy is a must. I think this interview with its author is too. Also, interviews are easier to digest than a grim journey through a long…

  • An in-depth look at new research Top predators such as wolves, lions, and jaguars play very important roles in the ecology. From control of mesopredators like coyotes and hyenas to control of ungulate populations and how they use the land. Why top predators matter: an in-depth look at new research Jeremy Hance

  • Inadequate funding, lack of understanding and support cited in report The agency that touts that it “provides Federal leadership and expertise to resolve wildlife conflicts and create a balance that allows people and wildlife to coexist peacefully“ has released its Strategic Plan for 2010 – 2014. They have a list of “Key Challenges” where they…

  • Workers only paid $750/month to live in extremely isolated conditions and are exposed to many dangers Public Lands sheep grazing not only creates conflict with bighorn sheep, wolves, grizzly bears, black bears, mountain lions, coyotes, numerous other wildlife species, habitat degradation, weed proliferation, human conflict with guard dogs, and disease spread, it is responsible for…

  • Preliminary wolf mortality numbers from the Idaho Fish and Game released. Officially, a total of 273 wolves died in Idaho from all causes. 260 were human caused mortalities which is up 120 from last year resulting in a 178% increase in overall mortality. Also from the report: From September 1 through December 31, 135 wolves…

  • Mountain lions, coyotes, badgers, skunks and ravens will all be targeted in an effort to improve deer and sage grouse survival using $866,000 from the Nevada Department of Wildlife’s Heritage fund. Rather than tackle the main issues related to sage grouse declines, livestock grazing, sagebrush killing projects, and energy developments, groups in Nevada are going…

  • Wildlife Services, the agency that does the killing “The USDA’s own statistics show that most livestock losses come from weather, disease, illness, and birthing problems, not predation.” Wildlife Services: The Most Important Wildlife Agency You’ve Never Heard Of Andrew Wetzler NRDC Switchboard

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