Predator Control

  • Governor “Butch” Otter is upset that the Idaho legislature won’t increase revenue for state highways and has reacted by vetoing 10 bills.  One of those bills on the chop block, Senate Bill No. 1177, would have slipped $200,000 into the Depredation Control Fund : In accordance with the provisions of Section 36111(c), Idaho Code, the…

  • Why Fish and Game Agencies Can’t Manage Predators George Wuerther writes an insightful piece about Fish & Game departments failure to manage predator species like other wildlife across the country. The War on Predators – Counterpunch

  • Senate Bill 183 would limit the number of wolves in Montana to 225. Montana State Senator Joe Balyeat (R-Belgrade) has introduced Senate Bill 183 which would limit the number of wolves in Montana to just 225. Currently the estimated number of wolves in Montana is around 500 according to the recently released Montana Gray Wolf…

  • Anywhere from 104 to 120 wolves will be killed in the first year under the weakened 10(j) rule. The current version of the 10(j) rule reduces the burden of proof on wildlife managers so they don’t have to demonstrate that wolves are THE MAJOR cause of elk declines. Wildlife Services is also seeking permission to…

  • 115 groups call for the end of the agency which kills 1 million animals each year. Call for end to USDA’s wildlife killing agency SCOTT SONNER The Associated Press

  • The “tournament” is scheduled for Saturday Feb. 21st, in Challis After reading about the coyote killing contest this Saturday, Feb. 21st, in Challis, sponsored by the Bent Rod Sports, I guess I’ll not be doing any more business there. If you are willing, the groups that put out the press release below, encourage you to…

  • Report: Wildlife Service’s “War on Wildlife” needlessly slaughters America’s valued wildlife costing taxpayers $100 million per year Wendy Keefover-Ring, director of carnivore protection for WildEarth Guardians, and others have been compiling the facts, gathering the support of 115 conservation groups, and building a solid case to end the wasteful War on Wildlife currently being waged…

  • Friends of the Clearwater sent out this Action Alert: In January 2008, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) adopted the revised regulations of section 10(j) of the Endangered Species Act (ESA). This new rule substantially supports justifications for killing reintroduced, endangered gray wolves to nominally protect herds of elk, deer, and other wild ungulates…

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