Predator Control

  • At least in South Dakota. Hopefully more generally- With all the budget problems, finally here is a good one — USDA Wildlife Services is running out of funding for aerial predator control. Aerial predator control is grounded. AP

  • American Sheep Industry Association asks key U.S. Senator not to cut funding for notorious wildlife killing agency- The President has proposed cutting the budget of USDA Wildlife Services by 10-million dollars. President Obama said there needs to be shared sacrifice although so far it seems to be teachers, police, sick people, students, science, reproductive health,…

  • Want to take action to cut funding for this agency that kills so much of our wildlife- This story is from Tri-state Livestock News. It is from trade publications like this that agencies often get cuts restored unbeknown to the public. American Sheep Industry: President’s budget cuts impact area Wildlife Services. Tri-state Livestock News.

  • It died of birthing problems Last week there was a big story about how wolves had killed a cow in the foothills above Eagle, Idaho, which most of you probably know is just west of Boise. Well, Carter Niemeyer, – the Montana western supervisor for Wildlife Services from 1975-1990 and the Wildlife Services Montana wolf…

  • Drops gassing of pups in their dens and sterilization but continues heavy handed killing of wolves. Public Comments accepted until January 3, 2011 In anticipation of Monday’s federal court hearing of a case brought by Western Watersheds Project, Wildlife Services has revised its Idaho Wolf Environmental Assessment. While the new EA drops gassing of wolf…

  • Calls recent Montana report “misleading”. Carter Niemeyer’s recent book “Wolfer” described, in great detail, the inner workings of Wildlife Services for whom he worked as their Montana western supervisor from 1975-1990 and as their Montana wolf specialist for the following 10 years until he took a post in Idaho as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife…

  • George Wuerthner nails it again, questioning the chief assumption that informs livestock-wolf conflict management. Do ranchers have a right to predator free landscape? – George Wuethner, NewWest One of the unquestioned and unspoken assumptions heard across the West is that ranchers have a right to a predator free environment. Even environmental groups like Defenders of…

  • Advocates for the West‘s Laurie Rule (best known for her esteemed success in the Payette National Forest on behalf of bighorn sheep) has filed another brief on behalf of Western Watersheds Project & The Wolf Recovery Foundation’s lawsuit against Wildlife Services’ wolf control activities in Idaho (complaint & associated filings). This lawsuit asks the court to stop Wildlife…

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