Predator Control

  • Mitigating the “Moral Hazard” of Government Intervention via Wolf/Livestock “Control” & Compensation Programs Earlier, I wrote about the special treatment ranchers get via private and public compensation programs, and how these government interventions into private property management issues creates what economists call a “moral hazard”, obscuring free-market incentives that would otherwise encourage behaviors that prevent…

  • of Death. This coyote was found hanging from a fence post on the Mud Flat Road in Owyhee county.  Graphic.

  • Agency’s Budget Shrouded from Public     WildEarth Guardians has assembled and is making public statistics regarding “Wildlife Service’s” wildlife slaughter last year. WildEarth Guardians Press Release 10/7/10 WASHINGTON, DC – According to records released today by WildEarth Guardians, “Wildlife Services,” the ironically-named branch of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, killed more than four million…

  • Wolf management plan examines killing of pups and sterilization of wolves. Wildlife Services has issued a draft Environmental Analysis which examines a myriad of ways to kill wolves. Comments on the plan are accepted until August 31, 2010. Idaho Wolf EA “Management strategies would be developed for individual situations by applying the WS Decision Model…

  • Rare lions are to be killed to protect rare bighorn sheep. Ron Kearns, a frequent commentator on this site and retired wildlife biologist of the Kofa National Wildlife Refuge, was recently interviewed for a story about mountain lion management on the Kofa National Wildlife Refuge in Arizona. The refuge has set a policy which requires…

  • Wildlife Services authorized to kill only two uncollared wolves after pack kills 5 head of livestock- The state of Oregon seems to be to be taking a reasonable, measured bit of action after that state’s only confirmed wolf pack killed a handful of livestock in the upper Wallowa Valley. According to Oregon Department of Fish…

  • 5-year “demonstration project” to compensate ranchers and fund proactive, non-lethal activities. The USFWS has announced how it will disperse $1 million annually to the states with wolves for 5 years. This funding was approved in the Omnibus Public Lands Management Act of 2009 which created several wilderness areas such as the Owyhee Wilderness in southern…

  • They say that the director doesn’t even have the background for an entry-level position. In February, Corey Rossi, the Alaska Division of Wildlife, Wildlife Director, wrote an opinion piece for the Anchorage Daily News which opined that wildlife should be managed under the abundance-based management model which “requires man to work with the land to…

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