Wildlife Management

  • In the most recent issue of the journal, Science my colleagues and I argue that the wildlife trust doctrine (a branch of the broader public trust doctrine) may provide a legal means for interested citizens to compel states to conserve controversial species such as wolves. We argue that this common law doctrine fills the gap…

  • After receiving a groundswell of public comments prompted by Western Watersheds Project and local wolf advocates’ tireless effort the Blaine County Commission voted to require the Flat Top Ranch and The Nature Conservancy to provide a predator management plan emphasizing non-lethal protection of livestock prior to the Commission’s final approval of the ranch’s conservation easement…

  • Wildlife management experts suggest improvements to the model used by many wildlife professionals- Many of the better debates over wildlife management in this forum have referred to the “North American Model of Wildlife Conservation,” which purports to describe how North Americans came to embrace wildlife conservation. The model also prescribes how wildlife should be ethically…

  • John Peavey, a former Idaho politician, and Diane Josephy Peavey, a former commentator on Boise State Public Radio, who’s Flat Top Ranch near Carey, Idaho has reportedly received payments totaling $970,139 from 1995 through 2010 according to the Environmental Working Group’s Farm Subsidy Database, has received another subsidy in the form of 3 dead wolves.…

  • iPhone App centered around Yellowstone Bison Conflict Buffalo Haze, a just released iPhone app, is a game premised on the controversial Yellowstone buffalo issue by simulating the yearly hazing practiced by wildlife managers. Every year bison naturally roam outside of Yellowstone National Park to graze on grasses at lower elevations. Wildlife managers haze the bison…

  • Although Columbia Basin Pygmy Rabbits are genetically extinct, the US Fish and Wildlife Service approved interbreeding with Idaho Pygmy Rabbits, which the Obama Administration claims is “not warranted” for ESA protection, in order to maintain as much Columbia Basin Pygmy Rabbit lineage as is possible. Previous attempts to release Pygmy Rabbits have failed.  They’ve all just…

  • Wendy Keefover-Ring highlights Wildlife Service’s ‘War on Wildlife’ given the current budget crisis, highlighting its cost to the American tax-payer. The Ugly Cost of Killing – Huffington Post Many of us are struggling financially, even while we watch Congress wrangle over deficit levels, tax cuts or increases and political ideology. Much is wrong with our…

  • “A fearful few wage war on American’s wolves. The war comes because agribusiness exaggerates and lies about wolf predation.” Are Wolves the Real Killers ? – Huffington Post – Wendy Keefover-Ring The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the agribusiness industry can be counted among the fearful few, killing wolves with alarming readiness. USDA…

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