
  • Rare observation and photo near the top of Idaho’s second highest mountain range- Hikers see solitary member of the weasel family on east side of range. By Jason Kauffman. Idaho Mountain Express Staff Writer. The wolverine was near the top of one of the canyons in the distance. Photo copyright © Ralph Maughan

  • Colorado and Washington State see wolverines in new places. In recent years wolverines have been seen in places where they were not expected. Is this because people are looking for them or are they expanding their range? One wolverine in an isolated location does not mean that there is a sustainable population. There have been…

  • Earth Justice scores a victory for the wolverine and the Endangered Species Act- Administration’s new, cramped view of the ESA that a species doesn’t need protection in the United States even though its population is very low and declining if there are some in Canada, Mexico, or wherever. Agency to reconsider wolverine status. By Susan…

  • Two sightings of the same wolverine in the same area a year apart. There are very few wolverines in Idaho but they have been known to travel very long distances across fairly diverse landscapes. Study: Wolverine in Sierra most likely from Idaho The Associated Press

  • Idaho Fish & Game Inadvertently Catches Wolverine. A wolverine was captured in a recreational bobcat trap and was then given a transmitter and GPS collar. It reminds me of this amazing journey in 2004: Wolverine Takes A Road Trip: Scientists Track Male Animal Over A Three-state, 550-mile Walk-about Science Daily 9-24-04

  • The trapping season on this rare, probably endangered animal, will continue this winter in Montana, the only state with a season on wolverine. There are only about 500 wolverine in the lower 48 states. The Bush/Kempthorne Interior Department rejected endangered species status based on their highly   questionable legal notion that a species can’t be…

  • Groups file suit over wolverine protection. U.S. wolverines face threats from climate change, other factors, conservation groups say. By Cory Hatch. Jackson Hole News and Guide. Once again the Bush Administration is arguing that the wolverine is not threatened everywhere, so it needs no ESA protection. They say that are wolverine in Canada. We have…

  • As snow depth diminishes, the deep snows of the mountains become more crucial for wolverines because they need the snow in the  high bowls for denning. With the coming of high powered snowmobiles much of this country has already been damaged. A five-year study of Glacier NP, where these machines are not allowed shows that…

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