Wildlife Habitat

  • One bottleneck is crucial to the continuation of the many thousand year seasonal migration from Jackson Hole to the Red Desert- We haven’t discussed this for a couple years. There is an especially good article on Trapper’s Point constriction in Wyofile.com The Trappers’ Point Antelope Trail – A Precarious Wildlife Corridor. By Emilene Ostlind. Wyofile.

  • The only good news is that BP now says it is collecting 5000 barrels a day of the oil gusher- Gulf Oil Spill: Oil Has Entered Loop Current, Officials Say. Associated Press. So, some of the oil is now off to Florida and maybe even to the East Coast. So far the main part of…

  • The leak started 30 days ago, oil as thick as paint is washing up on the shores of Louisiana and there are plumes of oil deep underwater poisoning the ocean and threatening the Florida Keys and the east coast.  There have been many attempts to stop the leak and it appears that it won’t be…

  • Conservation deal for Canadian forest the size of Texas- Although the first article below has a somewhat pessimistic tone, this certainly seems better than the current trend in boreal Canada. There is more value to the vast boreal forest than caribou. Caribou still at risk under historic forestry deal. Industry, environmentalists band together for sustainability.…

  • Have Western Watersheds/Advocates for the West killed this unfair, anti-wildlife program? I guess we don’t have many Eastern Washington readers because there were no comments on our earlier article (yesterday) on this, but today’s news in the Seattle Times is very encouraging. This graze-the-state-wildlife-areas-for-free-to-help-me-politically program of the governor’s, really made us furious. Experimental Washington state…

  • No grazing on the Whisky Dick and Quilomene wildlife areas in Washington State The State of Washington has spent a lot of money trying to justify cattle grazing on wildlife management areas in the state which are comprised of lands purchased using Federal money specifically intended for wildlife habitat. The lands in the Whisky Dick…

  • Scientists Find Giant Plumes of Oil Forming Under the Gulf- Past oil spills have always been on the surface. So we tend to think of measuring their size that way (by overhead photography).  However this oil gushing out of the deep and much not coming to the surface.  Huge underwater plumes are present unseen and…

  • Likely much more oil has gushed out than official reports, and it is rapidly growing worse- C’mon, how big is the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, really? USA Today.

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