Wildlife Habitat

  • Comparison of two sites, Nov. 4, 2009, in the Mink Creek drainage south of Pocatello, Idaho- Mink Creek is a popular recreation area on the Caribou-Targhee National Forest, just south of Pocatello, Idaho. The first 3-4 miles have no livestock grazing. As the drainage gains slowly in elevation, it is grazed from about June 1…

  • The impact to sage grouse numbers appears to be very large The thousands and thousands of miles of barbed wire fence chopping up lands throughout the west is bad for wildlife for many reasons. Now, the impact that this installation for livestock production on public lands has to sage grouse is demonstrated in a study…

  • Are local people waking up to the fact that energy development in the remote West lacks the water necessary- The attitude of many interior Western politicians is, and generally has been, that they are happy to be a colony for the rest of the country as long as they can be glorified for a few…

  • SNWA loses right to suck 6- billlion gallons of water a year from under Nevada desert valleys- This is a blockbuster decision for the high desert of Nevada and western Utah and against the same old pattern of urban sprawl for Las Vegas. The state supreme court could yet rule for SNWA. It’s a big…

  • Strong evidence that aspen groves are becoming healthier with presence of wolves. Healthier aspen groves support more bird species, which may in turn help the overall health of forests. One thing mentioned in the article is that the pine beetle infestations seen throughout the west could be impacted with greater diversity and larger populations of…

  • Great Basin Water Network tells the “real reason” why Utah politicians laid down for Las Vegas water steal- The Great Basin Water Network says Utah will give up Snake Valley and state’s air quality to Las Vegas for support of their own urban sprawl pipeline — Lake Powell to St. George, UT. Pat Mulroy (image),…

  • . . . and Utah officials had no backbone- This gets more and more disgusting the longer the story goes on. Today’s article in the Salt Lake Tribune has a handy sidebar with links to past articles. Did Utah blink in Snake Valley talks? Water » New documents show Beehive State’s position changed after Nevada’s…

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