Wildlife Habitat
Alaska is a state governed by a politically corrupt elite, but the FBI is closing in. It is a systemic problem and not surprisingly this extends to the state’s management of wildlife. Today the New Republic has an article on what could be the end of the era. I think this article raises the question…
Earlier, we explored the “number of factors” suggestion that Virgil Moore, Deputy Director of Idaho Department of Fish & Game (IDFG), was floating around as justification for the demotion of Dave Parrish. The demotion took place following Parrish’s Letter to the Editor questioning the impact that a windfarm, which promised much financial profit to powerful…
Paparazzi in the Woods. Wildlife surveillance cameras. Slate Magazine. By Etienne Benson I think they are a lot less intrusrive than radio collars. RM
The back and forth over Clinton’s Roadless Rule continues. U.S. Judge in Wyoming Rules Against Ban on Forest Roads – NY Times
Joan McCarter looks at some of Wyoming’s recent strategies to protect sage grouse, avoid ESA listing of Sage grouse to keep Oil & Gas happy. Grousing Around Is the sage grouse the 21st century’s spotted owl? – NewWest
Southeast Idaho officials approve a big wind energy farm. AP “Construction of a 150-turbine wind farm on 20,000 acres along Wolverine Canyon [Blackfoot Mountains] has been approved by Bingham County commissioners.” The turbines would be 490 feet tall!! I wonder if there are any taller ones anywhere? This project is remaking some traditional political alliances…
Grizzly bear pounces on Yellowstone firefighter. AP. Jackson Hole News and Guide. Update. August 7. Firefighter back after griz encounter. Billings Gazette News Services.