Wildlife News

  •   Stream in Bozeman Watershed in Gallatin Range where thinning is proposed to reduce wildfire. Photo George Wuerthner   The Montana Forest Action Plan recently awarded funding to the Bozeman Watershed logging project. Flawed assumptions and science characterize all these state-funded projects. Even though numerous studies have documented that logging/thinning fails to protect homes or…

  • “What’s in a name?  That which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet.” What should we call the diverse, wild, inspiring but scarred peninsula sliding very slowly past us, jurisdictionally in West Marin County, California, but geologically across the San Andreas Fault, on the Pacific Plate, going steadily its own…

  • Let’s start with some facts: The majority of New Mexicans want to see Mexican wolves recovered. Public lands livestock are a leading source of conflict for the wolf recovery program. Livestock on public lands displace native wildlife through competition for food and driving them out of preferred habitats. Public lands livestock permittees are getting a…

  • I’ve been working on public lands livestock grazing issues for over fifteen years and I’ve seen a lot of terrible Bureau of Land Management (Bureau) grazing decisions. But I’ve never seen two Secretaries of the Interior intervene on two grazing decisions benefitting one ranching operation whose principals also happen to have been pardoned for federal…

  •   A recent article in the Blue Mountain Eagle Finding Common Ground on Active Forest Management quotes several people about restoring forest health.  None of these people have expertise in forest ecology, except James Johnson from the OSU forestry school. The irony is that all these people, including Johnson, ignore the science from other scientists…

  •  Jan. 24, 2021 This is a new page of “Reader Generated Wildlife News.” These are stories posted by the readers of The Wildlife News. These can be links to stories in the media or a complete wildlife story you have written. Please do not post copyrighted material although you can and maybe should copyright something…

  •   The Mill Creek area where the Forest Service’s proposes a dry forest restoration. Photo George Wuerthner  The Ochoco National Forest proposes what they call a “dry forest restoration” on approximately 23,015 acres in the Mill Creek Dry Forest Restoration Project area east of Prineville, Oregon. https://www.fs.usda.gov/nfs/11558/www/nepa/113632_FSPLT3_5569731.pdf As with almost everything the Forest Service does…

  • *Trigger warning: Animal cruelty and wolf abuse discussed below For over a year, my colleague at Western Watersheds Project and I have been paging through gory reports of dead livestock, most of them (questionably) attributed to Mexican wolf predation. I’ve gotten somewhat inured to seeing the bloody corpses of cattle, decapitated calves, and dissection necropsies.…

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