Wildlife News

  • California’s Lassen Wolf Pack Has Pups Second Straight Year Births Comes as Trump Administration Plans End to Federal Protections SAN FRANCISCO— California’s only known existing wolf family, the Lassen pack, has produced its second litter of pups. An article published by the Plumas County News yesterday reported that California Department of Fish and Wildlife wolf biologist Kent Laudon…

  • News Release Western Watersheds Project Wild Earth Guardians July 25, 2018 DUBOIS, ID.  The USDA has released a long-awaited decision on the fate of the agency’s controversial Idaho Sheep Experiment Station, an aging facility that conducts research benefitting private domestic sheep producers at the expense of taxpayers and native wildlife. Under this decision, management of the facility…

  • Interesting wildlife news (reader generated) It is time to create a new page of “Interesting Wildlife News.” It has been a long time since we have had a new page. The page and comment loading time has become slow.  Do not post copyrighted material. Here is the link to the “old” wildlife news of April 6,…

  • Yesterday the Trump administration announced a proposal that would dramatically weaken protections provided by the Endangered Species Act.  Fortuitously, my colleagues and I also happened to publish a paper on public support for the Endangered Species Act over time.  This paper also addresses concerns raised by some conservationists who worry that prolonged protections for controversial…

  • Below is a news release from the Western Watersheds Project. I will go further. The Sawtooth National Recreation (SNRA) is to many people the most glorious part of Idaho, and it was protected by Congress back in the 1970s so that fisheries, scenery, recreation and wildlife would be protected first. Livestock were allowed to fit…

  •   My name is Erik Molvar, and I am Executive Director of Western Watersheds Project (WWP), a nonprofit conservation group that advocates for the protection and restoration of wildlife and watersheds throughout the western United States. WWP specializes in solving environmental problems caused by livestock grazing on public lands. I hold a Master of Science…

  • I wrote this in response to an editorial by Mr. Oberueller in Wyoming File.  You can see the original editorial at https://www.wyofile.com/public-lands-initiative-deserves-praise-for-collaboration/ The WPLI is an attempt to garner local agreement on the fate of federal BLM and Forest Service Wilderness Study Areas. These federal lands are managed to retain their potential suitability for future designation…

  • This past winter, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) began preparing two Environmental Impact Statements to review the environmental consequences of creating a region-wide series of “fuel breaks” that will add thousands of miles of new linear pathways across the Great Basin portion of Nevada, Idaho, Oregon and Utah. The goal of fuel breaks is…

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