Wildlife News

  • It’s been a month-and-a-half since occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in eastern Oregon ended. Most of the Malheur occupiers and many of those who planned and directed the earlier 2014 standoff with federal personnel at the Bundy Ranch near Mesquite, Nevada, are now in prison waiting trial. What kind of activists were the…

  • It is time to create a new page of “Interesting Wildlife News.” Please put your wildlife news in the comments below. Do not post copyrighted material. Here is the link to the “old” wildlife news of February 13, 2016.

  • When Adrian Sewell of New Mexico made a big show of traveling to the besieged Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in January to tear up his grazing permit and denounce the Forest Service, it was apparently just a big show. The “renegade rancher” has signed the Annual Operating Instructions (AOIs) and reportedly paid his 2016 grazing bill for…

  • Idaho Fish and Game wants to harass and kill pelicans down to half their present population- IDFG is seeking comments thru April 2 on a long-term plan to manage pelicans for the next ten years. https://idfg.idaho.gov/form/pelican-plan-2016 The goal of the “Management Plan for the Conservation of American White Pelicans in Idaho 2016-2025” is to “maintain…

  • MEDIA RELEASE For Immediate Release, March 9, 2016  Aggressive State-sanctioned Hunting, Trapping Should Trigger Ongoing Federal Oversight of Idaho, Montana Wolves VICTOR, Idaho— The Center for Biological Diversity and four other conservation organizations today filed a notice of intent to sue the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to extend the federal monitoring period for wolves…

  • On Sunday and Monday, February 14-15, 2016, USDA Wildlife Services took to the skies and shot the remaining 24 bighorn sheep in the Montana Mountains of northwest Nevada at the request of Nevada Department of Wildlife. These were important sheep because they were once healthy and over 60 had been translocated from there to areas in…

  • Up to 900 to soon die- Today the annual cull of Yellowstone bison got underway. It is plenty contentious. I have been ranting about this nearly annual slaughter since 1996 on The Wildlife News and its previous incarnations. In recent years it has been mostly out of sight just north of the Park’s northern boundary.…

  • It is time to create a new page of “Interesting Wildlife News.” Please put your wildlife news in the comments below. Do not post copyrighted material.  Here is the link to the “old” wildlife news of December 17, 2015.

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