
  • Will they emerge in the next Congress? Due to the gridlock in Congress, the bills to sidestep the endangered species act seem to be dead in the current lame duck session of Congress. Wolf bills unlikely to advance this Congress. By Matthew Brown. Associated Press On the surface it would seem like the reactionary* new…

  • U.S. District Judge Alan Johnson Rules that USFWS was not justified in rejecting Wyoming’s woefully inadequate wolf management plan. Recall that Judge Molloy ruled in 2008 that the USFWS arbitrarily accepted Wyoming’s wolf management plan without justification after initially rejecting it. Specifically Molloy said that the USFWS “acted arbitrarily and capriciously when it approved Wyoming’s…

  • New news story has an important change- Unlike the original story today on Otter’s decision, the story late tonight (Oct. 18) says “Idaho Fish and Game conservation officers will continue to collect information about illegal wolf kills, as they would for any endangered species and transfer it to federal law enforcement officials.” [emphasis mine] Idaho…

  • State will not manage wolves nor control poaching- Idaho won’t manage wolves under ESA – John Miller, AP “After talks with the federal government collapsed, Gov. C.L. ‘Butch’ Otter ordered Idaho wildlife managers Monday to relinquish their duty to arrest poachers or to even investigate when wolves are killed illegally.” From his first day in…

  • 1995-2004 study shows beneficial results of reintroducing wolves in terms of their genetics- Well, this is good news, and just what we would expect.  If wolves had been allowed to recolonize on their own, they would not be at all like this. This is why I supported reintroduction instead of regulation heavy natural recolonization under…

  • Is compromising with the lawless in the best interest of wolves, wildlife, or the ESA? By Ken Cole, Ralph Maughan, and Brian Ertz. Ever since wolves were relisted as an Endangered Species by Judge Molloy of Montana there has been a persistent drone of editorial opinion, political grandstanding, and accusations made about and against wolf/Endangered…

  • Federal Government appeals the wolf ruling- I missed this one but it is important. Everyone knew that the states and many other groups would appeal Judge Molloy’s ruling on wolves but no one was sure whether the Federal Government would appeal the ruling too. Now that question has been answered. State and others file appeal…

  • Rancher senators move to amend Endangered Species Act- Although most of the grass roots activity against wolves has come from elk and deer hunters, it has always been the ranchers at the core of wolf hatred.  The reason is that the large ranchers have always believed it is their right to govern the rest of…

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